
Why is speaking of images an issue in video dialogue?

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Is it a similar issue as with speaking from past knowledge, whatever the ‘form’ ?
In a sense , is it a fact that all communication is via ‘images’ … whether drawn from what has just been seen , … with only that ‘memory’… or with thought reacting or responding with old(er) memory… which may be a memory of psychological ‘self’ ?
So, perhaps it’s a question of the ‘source’ of the images, rather than images in themselves.
So, is it that there is ‘an issue’ only when it takes one further away from being in the present?


Thanks Clive. It’s about meeting with others without the content (past knowledge, etc). Sounds like logical place to begin.

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Yes, but as that’s ‘easier said than done ‘for most of us it can be quite difficult, so perhaps we also need to be watchful and also beware of making an ‘ideal’ of it ;as that in itself can mean a reaction in us… which is part of what we may wish to avoid… or at least be aware of.

Yes, then the dialogue would have a motive and all kinds of other preconceived ideas would arise. Nonetheless, it seems it is a logical place to begin.

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It has been going for some time, with that stated as being a place to start .( whether logical or not)
So, at the moment it’s perhaps ‘ a work in process’.

Yes Clive, I understand.

Perhaps, the awareness of one’s own reactions and response to others may be more important in all dialogues and relationships.

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Yes. It certainly appears that way.