I want to ask something

Is there anyone mutate or not after reading K? I can’t mutate…i want to change! I am living like in cage of my own mind. I am not free inside!

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Don’t feel sorry for yourself because you could be worse off. There are many who believe they have mutated, and no one wants to hear what they say.

Would you rather believe you have mutated than know you have not?

Really? We want instant mutation just like instant dinner. We must first realize how arduous it is.

“This is quite an arduous task; it isn’t just in a meeting or at a lecture or by reading a book that you are going to find out. On the contrary, it needs continuous watchfulness, constant awareness of every movement of thought - not only when you are waking, but also when you are asleep. It must be a total process, not a sporadic, partial process.”

  • CW, Vol 5, page 244

“To investigate you must be totally concerned, not one day be concerned and the rest of the time forget it. You must be concerned day after day, month after month, year after year, all your life - because this is your life.”

  • 1st Talk Saanen, July 1974

Funny thing is there can be awareness of yourself only as you are, not what you would like to be. So mutation might be awareness of what is, awareness of what you are, it is not change of what should be. So there is no change of what should be in it. It is ending of division. Awareness being awareness of what is and so no division. It is like a mirror which shows you what you are without distortion, without division. Outside people offer what should be, paths, ideas.

What is the mirror in which we see ourselves as we are? That we need to explore. But no one outside can show it. Outside they can offer only words, but the mirror may not be thought, so we might need to find ourselves not from discussion but discover a look in which there is no division. In that mirror observer is observed, both observer and observed are thought but the mirror itself is not thought


I believe anyone can be free

Cause i can’t. I tried. It is like give up smoking. Not everyone can be free of it. They try, but they can’t. I was one of them untill i read Allen Carr Easy way to give up smoking. 10 years i am free from this habbit and i have no desire since. That is ending. Absolute phychological ending brings freedom. And that what i want.

Do you know the difference between believing in something and being open to the possibility of something?

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Isn’t the ‘possibility’ that is always present; that awareness without choice is possible? The possibility of awareness of thought as a mechanism or a system? And seeing the possibility that thought is functioning in a way that creates conflict? The ‘possibility’ that what we are is awareness itself which is nothing and everything? Isn’t it only because of the belief in psychological ‘time’ that we don’t meet each moment as pristine and original? And why we ‘believe’ (wish) that this very moment could ‘possibly’ be other than what it is?

Don’t you think that the mere fact that you ask this question here publicly already implies a certain mutation? On the other hand, how do you know that you have not mutated/changed in the least?

EDIT: I just saw that your post is quite old, so this answer may no longer make sense to you.

Remind me: what is “psychological time”?

There’s nothing new to see here, same old thing.

Someday I’ll be ‘enlightened.

“Could have”, “would have”, “should have”.

It’s a comparison of this moment with images in memory and images projected in an imaginary future which is useful in the practical but misplaced in the psychological realm?

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Psychological thought is imagining who I am now, and psychological time is imagining who I should be in the future?

I can’t describe it…something like ‘I don’t have to pay attention this moment’. The implication (belief) being that there will be ‘future moments’ (time) when I will or can pay attention. A postponement of awareness?

Awareness can be reacted to, distorted, denied, dismissed, but it can’t be postponed the way I can put off doing something now with the intention of doing it later.

When I’m asleep I’m not aware of dreaming unless I’m having a lucid dream, so you could say that sleeping is taking a break from awareness, postponing it, so to speak. But awareness is the one constant thing we can count on when awake.

Unfortunately, thought is constant, too, but not for good like awareness, but for reacting to awareness, which is for bad for every living thing.

The ‘I’ cannot mutate because it is a construct of thought, held together by attachment and identification with ideas. This attachment sustains the very structure of thought that seeks to transform itself, yet any change within that structure remains mechanical, merely a continuation of the same movement.

Actual transformation lies beyond the process of becoming, want and attachment. Can we see the nature of this identification without thinking?

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It seems important to distinguish between conscious awareness (still in the realm of thought) and awareness itself, which is not dependent on thinking.

Sleep, when it is actual and revitalizing, is not a break from awareness but on the contrary a cessation of the movement of though. Then the brain is truly at rest, fully alive and aware, untouched by the noise of conscious effort. But we don’t actually sleep and allow for the biological renewal to take place.

Inquiring carefully into whether conscious awareness is ever absent (even in the state we familiarly associate as sleep), or whether it is thought that merely assumes its own absence when it cannot recognize itself, is a serious matter.

Maybe better said, the belief in psychological thought / time postpones the necessary work of self knowledge, (watching one self: thinking, feeling etc in the moment) by creating the illusion of a time other than Now when it can be ‘done’.

No one knows if there is another moment than the one that is in front of us, the one we are in Now!

Why do you say “we” when you know that, “Sleep, when it is actual and revitalizing, is not a break from awareness but on the contrary a cessation of the movement of thought”?