I feel that I am a small peace of the puzzle …
I am nothing.How do I feel it?
I can’t ‘feel’ it …only things feel…you are not a thing!
you are inseparable from the world.
Is it a matter of feeling that you are the world, or is it a matter of seeing? To “feel” something is still within the realm of thought, a reaction based on sensation or experience. But seeing, observing without a center, without judgment or interpretation, is altogether different.
When we observe without the filter of the self, can we perceive that the so-called individual, with all their thoughts, fears, desires, and conditioning, is not separate from the rest of humanity?
The content of our consciousness (the fear, sorrow, anger, pleasure, and conflict) is shared by all human beings. This is not an idea or a belief; it is a fact that can be seen directly, not merely “felt” as an instinct.
Is it possible, then, to look at this fact without seeking to “feel” it, but to observe the actual movement of thought that creates this sense of division? As long as the “I” operates as a separate entity, it cannot see the whole.
Seeing that you are the world, does this act in your daily life? In relationship with what is close to you, nearby?
Because when it is not acting it remains a dead thing, no?
Does a man (or a woman) that sees the truth of this statement will ever bother to pretend that he/she sees the truth of it?
Will he/she ever be capable of say hurting another person deliberately?
Just a few observations I 'd like to share.
“What we are inwardly, that we project outwardly.”
The Collected Works of J Krishnamurti, Vol 4, Seventh Talk in The Oak Grove, July 8, 1945.
That is the first thing to understand:
that there is no one to guide you,
no one to tell you that you are progressing,
no one to tell you or to encourage you.
You have to stand completely alone in meditation.
You understand what it means?
And this light can only come to yourself when you understand,
or investigate into yourself, what you are.
That is self-awareness, to know what you are
– not according to psychologists, not according to some philosophers,
not according to the speaker, but to know,
to be aware of your own nature, of your own structure,
of your own thinking, feeling, find out the whole structure of it.
Therefore, self-knowing becomes extraordinarily important.
Not the description given by another, but actually ‘what is’,
what you are, not what you think you are,
or what you think you should be, but what actually is going on.
Have you ever tried it?
I find it always interesting to see and here the man talking.
And I often ask myself : what is there to add? The only thing I can think about is what is happening now.
It is NewYearsEve and I am sitting in my room writing this little message.
People are celebrating and I haven’t the slightest idea why they do.
The world is fallen apart, there is division everywhere. Should we go into this, we who have listened very carefully to what the man has said about alll this. Should we repeat his every word with the risc of becoming mechanical and meaningless?
Would we do that? Or can we put this all aside and start afresh? Could that be possible? Who will tell us whether it is possible or not? How to find out?
It seems to be the only way not to rely on the well-trodden paths. Your call !
We are being called to discover for ourselves what we truly are! No one can do it but ourselves, no one can lead us to it. To discover what we are, not what we think or believe we are. A puzzle, a great game!
Happy New Year!
You see @O7007 ? You came out with a genuine feeling and everyone started with their theories and speculations (some even writing an encyclopedia about it), instead of stopping and looking together at what it is you were really trying to express…
It’s only a Krishnamurti forum, but I like it!
What is you? Do you remember coming into being, the first moment of self awareness?