Meeting of Saturday 24th April 2021
The topic, or initial topic of the meeting, was to investigate our perception of ‘Discussion and Dialogue’.
I mention initial topic because there was a startling absence of cohesion to our gathering. It for the most part was moved by reactivity and division. There was an erratic jumping from one subject to another; interjection and speaking over each other. The energy was divisive; and where there is division there is conflict. Where there is conflict there is fear and where there is fear there is a need to control. We all as followers of Master Krishnamurti are fully aware of this pointing: And this was beautifully exhibited.
‘How’ we come to a meeting must surely be considered. If our meeting is ultimately to share in sacred wisdom, then how do we arrive? If we are coming with fear; a need to make ourselves heard then the energy is not conducive to the openness required to ‘listen’ with kindness; to be open, available and receptive, to give space for the other and to move together in the flow of present moment Wisdom.
When there is disconnection from our availability for each other; division, there is reactivity, a need to hold one’s perceived personal position. There can be no interconnectedness as Consciousness when we come in defence and self-survival.
Dialogue becomes redundant. Indeed, the ability to share in any topic does, when we cannot come together ready to ‘listen’ with openness and availability, to what is fundamentally the revealing of our self through the exchange in relationship with others.
Krishnamurti said that when he speaks, we must ‘listen’ to ourselves. That he, Krishnamurti, is holding the mirror for us until it is no longer required, until ‘he’ is no longer required. Surely our meetings should be based on his words.
I look forward to our future meetings; to our availability and receptivity for each other, and to the gifts that are offered in them.
This is written from my open heart. Thank you, Marie