Hidden world, manifest world?

Did Plato and Bohm and Kant (and others) get it right with their cave and implicate/explicate order and noumena/phenomena stories, is there a hidden world that exists behind the manifest world?

Does it really ‘matter’?:thinking: As @WimOpdam posted K. ‘There are no borders’ , if that is true, that seems to matter…what with all the ‘borders’ we have and see?

Rainbows show up consistently in the same places. Are they always there, but are only seen when conditions are right? Either environmental or brain conditions of the perceiver can make the difference.

Genau! And like with the “What (Ultimately) Matters?” thread, whom or what would it matter to? Is there mattering without an entity to which X matters?

Does Truth matter ultimately? I think it does, emphasis on ‘think.’

Are there any hidden worlds/orders/truths that are never available to the human senses/mind?

Good example is brahman, ‘the One without a second,’ the ultimate absolute irreducible Truth/Ground/Reality. Is brahman directly experienceable by a human being?

You could say that the altered awareness practiced by the conditioned brain is hiding the truth by distorting, denying, or dismissing it.

Distortion, denial, dismissal of Truth all require that Truth is seen. Is Truth hidden in plain sight?

Yes, the conditioned brain reacts to naked awareness by immediately “clothing” it to its specifications, or just rejecting it outright.

Is Truth hidden in plain sight?

“Plain sight” implies unlimited awareness of the whole, and the conditioned brain reacts immediately to break wholeness into the fragments that “matter”.

You’re saying Truth = naked awareness?

What do you mean by unlimited awareness of the whole? Sounds like omniscience.

Choiceless awareness is unlimited by conditions imposed by choice. It is unconditional - not omniscient.

What I meant when I asked if Truth might be hiding in plain sight is: Is it possible Truth is such a familiar and ubiquitous part of the perceptual/mental landscape that it goes unnoticed? By ‘in plain sight’ I mean that which is clearly visible but often overlooked.

If we’re overlooking “that which is clearly visible” is it because we’re careless, reckless, inattentive, or because we choose to see what-should/should-not-be?

Aren’t we seeing what we fear/desire/expect to see rather than that which we can’t choose to believe we’re seeing?

Isn’t it true that for the conditioned brain, seeing is believing?

I like inattentive as in inattentional blindness, you miss what’s right there in front of you. (You know the famous basketball example, right?) Careless and reckless are too loaded for me. Maybe the seer is careful and restrained, but still blind to what’s there. Or maybe as you said they are looking from within a framework of what should and shouldn’t be.

The allegory is used in many traditions, I think: The seeker spends most of a lifetime passionately looking for the Truth (by whatever name), and when they abandon the search, the Truth reveals itself as having been right in front of them the whole time.

The other way around too: Believing is seeing, our worldview shapes our perceptions.