Have we learned from krishnamurti how to think by now?

The word “tree”( or telephone, amoeba, chair etc… ) is a tool for communication. If it is understood in this way, the thought/idea/concept/word : “tree” is in the right place.
Of course, the word is intellectually and emotionally related in a model made up of many other word/concepts : “tree” is made up of wood, leaves, insects, carbon etc - all of which are in turn associated with an endless network of concepts and into a huge predictive model. The “right” place for thought is as a means of communication and for the purpose of predictive modelling.

Now when I am sitting quietly with all my needs satisfied, and I hear a white noise and rustling. If the words : “the wind is blowing outside” arises in my mind, who am I communicating with (and why)? Am I in contact with some kind of understanding of reality?

The reaction is the movement of fear. If there is no reaction to perception, then there is no naming (it is this, it is that), there is no knowing and no emotional and intellectual response to the known (it is good, it is bad, it is mine etc), and no secondary emotional and intellectual response to the primary response (I must stop it, fix, it enjoy it etc)

If there is only perception, there is only what is perceived (the sensation or thought) with no reaction to this wholeness - no arising of things (me and everything else) by knowing, nothing to dissect, nor analyse, and no reaction to our own movement of fear.

The realisation that fear is not an indicator of truth - the realisation that fear can only engender separation, conflict and more fear.

Something that needs to be kept in mind in all of this, is that Freedom is always at the beginning. Yes?


Freedom is always here, but I cannot have it.

Freedom is the first and last step of being free, and fear is the first and last step of being afraid.

Freedom is not a wall that we build fearfully over time.

Is it possible to remain in such a state continuously? :thinking:

Why there is this relation between belief and fear, inside the mind?

Firstly, its not something that one does (I do not make myself silent) - Secondly, why would one want such a strange thing? Thirdly, even a stone is not forever. Fourthly, life is movement in a universe in movement.

We hope that knowledge will protect us, and make us more powerful.

I got that doubt out of curiosity.
