
Of course not. The question is whether we can hear the way we alter and distort what we listen to.

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Beware of self-fulfilling prophecies? Does expecting to distort encourage distortion? Is it possible to listen with no expectations?

In today’s quote of the day, Krishnamurti says, ‘To go beyond the self-enclosing activities of the mind, you must understand them.’

I find it very confusing what he means by understanding. Is it being used in the conventional sense, that is, listening then understanding? Or he is removing the time factor, as in a flash of insight, listening is understanding.

I watched the video. Jiddu said that freedom should begin inwardly within us.

Q What is that inward freedom?

Explain your point, if you are free.

After reading to quote, I felt that(Jiddu) he is pointing at self awareness.

It might be useful to include the rest of the quote:

“To go beyond the self-enclosing activities of the mind, you must understand them; and to understand them is to be aware of action in relationship, relationship to things, to people, and to ideas. In that relationship, which is the mirror, we begin to see ourselves, without any justification or condemnation; and from that wider and deeper knowledge of the ways of our own mind, it is possible to proceed further; then it is possible for the mind to be quiet, to receive that which is real.”

Does pretending one doesn’t distort diminish distortion?

It’s a matter of self-knowledge. I don’t always react to events or respond to stimuli in terms of what-should/should-not-be, but I do often enough to be mindful of it.

While listening be aware of cognitive snags like distorting, pretending, and expecting?