Does K wants to change the nature of Idealism people follow from “Nationalism/Religions/etc.” to “Humanism”, differentiating oneself from all living and non-living beings with the ideology of “Humanity and Responsibility”?
Can one be free from being responsible from all actions happen in this world?
If Humanity goes extinct, let it be. Why we “have” to “preserve” survival of Humans?. It doesn’t mean “I contribute to extinction”. But totally stepping aside from “contribution to destruction”, also not being responsible for all actions, and have no cravings to “Change Humans”. Why “Urgency of Change”?
Why I am very much addicted to Humanity? One day, like the Mother Earth will meet the end of all planets, the Humanity too will meet their extinction and all other species too. So, why I am very much attached to Humanity? To live peacefully? Is Peace bound to “Only Humans”?
I see Beauty in Animal, Plant and many species and non-living things, you and K too see this. If one watches carefully, they (All living other than Humans) too have conflict/fight/war/destruction between them. If we want to change Humanity, then it means “My LOVE/Compassion is bound to Humans Only”. Is this Love? Does Love/Compassion means “Changing them from what they seek and make them peaceful”?
Does K very much caught in an idea of “Being Human”, by wrongly identifying as “I am Humanity and I must respond to it and not remain in caves/forests/mountains. I am responsible for each and every thoughts in humans, and respond choicelessly to bring change”?. Does Humans should change? Why not let them be what they are, let them seek what they want? If it goes like this, let Humans destruct themselves. Let Humanity die. (Actually, it’s good for Plants and Birds and Animal Kingdom and for Mother Earth). There will be another planet, another evolution, another set of species, maybe another humans. So, why I am much clinging to preserve Life? Let me die if it happens so. What I will achieve by preserving/securing life? Knowledge? Experiences? Will there be an end for seeking experiences in this expanding Universe? Beauty? Am I very much clinging to Beauty I perceive from Life experiences, and not “Now” or “The other”, and so don’t want to die if it happens?. Preserve Humans from conflict so that I can live peacefully?
If the House burns, let it burn. I don’t contribute it for Burning, and have no responsibility to preserve it too. The one who burns it derives pleasure from burning it. The one who very much attached to the House, suffer of it’s Burning but not be free from it or step aside from the burning. If one wants me to contribute a helping hand to put of burning, then let me do it without “Any attachment to make it beautiful again”, just for a need of help. Why very much attached to the House? It must go through destruction one day. What I will do if nature does the destruction? Change the Nature? If the planet after thousands/million years, start to become like Sun, where no species can live, and everything dies day by day, what I will do then? Change the Planet? What if I don’t find any planet to live and prosper Humanity then? All my desires to live a Peaceful Beautiful Relationship with people - without any conflict/fight everlasting, the sacred life, will go unattainable? What if a big Earthquake and Tsunami comes or water level raise (without any inhumane acts - as a law of science of transformation of planet’s age) and destructs all humans and living species?
Can one be free from being Human?
Can one act without any need/urgency of action without any need of change, and let whatever happens, act without responsibility towards Humanity, not to preserve or destruction, but just act as a flow and not interest in whatever happens to that flow?
Can one be free from Everything?