
May I ask @Inquiry : are you a robot?

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Does it matter?..

We are all robots or none of us is a robot !

Inquiry you have a particular voice, indeed. It triggers my nerves a bit, which is good !

  • I read Inquiry posts, I get upset for a moment, if he/she (?) scolds me, I drop my phone and I say I won’t answer … but then I read again …and I respond to the question as it came from nowhere!

Tell me if I am annoying - the truth is I can’t change, I am what I am.
I am laughing of course !

I didn’t want to say anything this morning for fear of disturbing this fascinating conversation, it really looks like the original brief has been totally respected :

@crina & @Jobuys I found myself wondering whether you had transcended meaning altogether and pushed aside all mundane concepts of communication as a form of data transferance

So maybe I’m half joking - I probably just have difficulty following your idiosyncratic styles of language - but your responses, if forthcoming, will be appreciated.


I apologize for being a scold…alas, my conditioning.

… but then I read again …and I respond to the question as it came from nowhere!

Yes, think of me as nothing coming from nowhere, or as a robot, or whatever enables you to avoid reacting.

If someone could tell you, it would be a technique, a path…is that what you want?

Nevertheless, the answer to your question is Amnesia, and the technique for achieving amnesia is a blow to the head.

The blow to the head
Yea !!

Could be Nirvāṇa - which literally, means “blown out”.

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@inquiry : you scold s.o. out and then you apolegise by saying : alas, my conditioning!
Or this is a joke (but I know of better ones ) or you are being deliberately rude and this is not the place .
So, what is it ?

It’s whatever you believe it is (as far as you’re concerned).

What I believe doesn’t matter at all.
Believe it or not.
What I am trying to establish here is an environment (i.e. Kinfonet) where we can discuss matters that concern us all f.i. the state of the world in which we are all living, and which is not merely the outside world but as well (simultaniously) our inner world (i.e. our thinking our mind our being and behaviour as a human being)
If you are interested in it you are free to join us. Otherwise you are free to leave and continue with what you are doing.
Am I making myself clear?

A most commendable effort !

Is it worth asking : at what price? by which means/methods?

To give all that you have in you, would you call this the price?
And what does it mean : to give all what I have in me?
Can I give you anything at all? I don’t think so.
So, why do I ask this question? It seems not to make sense unless it is an example of what I mean by giving all what I have in me.
Does this make sense? To me, ot does.
Does it to you?
Might we then continue with what we were talking about nl. Emptiness?

No, just more annoying…

Surely you are not the only one concerned by this whole affair?
The person called Inquiry looks a bit upset too, so much so that they are breaking the ad hominem rules.

What “affair”?..

This environment existed before you arrived. Why do you think you’re here to establish it? As far as I can tell no one but I find you tiresome and annoying, so why not just ignore me and enjoy the environment you’ve stepped into?

Folks, stay kalm!

Relax…, Nothing is in control… !

The affair formerly known as the Cosmos ?

Empty of what? The self and all its (my) accumulations? Would it apply here: empty, like freedom, is at the beginning not the end? Empty, in the moment, of psychological thought / self but like a snake in the corner it has to have an eye kept on it? If any of that is so, the brain has to be extremely sensitive and very alert to what is going on.