Doors and Windows

It has been said that, “One less door to keep open is one less window closed”.

Is it saying that windows are better than doors? If so, why? Is it because windows invite light and air into an enclosed space, and doors invite animals? No. Windows are not better than doors. They both serve different purposes, so there is no comparison.

So the issue is not good or bad, better or worse, this or that, but the question of whether one must be an enclosure or be free. The answer is neither and both because there’s no choice in the matter. We are enclosed by our natural limitations and absolutely free when we are awareness.

Gosh, there’s some hidden meaning here. I just saw the door as something one goes in and out of, and a window something that is looked out of. And if one is looking in window, one is most likely up to no good.

The enclosed brain can only look out a window, and outside of itself the brain is unlimited, so there’s no incentive to be “up to no good”.

Here’s ChatGPT’s take on the quote: " 1. “One less door to keep open” suggests that by eliminating or managing one obligation, responsibility, or commitment, you have fewer things to worry about or maintain. In a literal sense, if you have fewer doors to keep open, it’s easier to manage your surroundings.
2. “One less window closed” implies that by not having to worry about as many things, you also don’t need to shut yourself off or restrict your opportunities or possibilities. If you have fewer windows closed, you have more openness and potential in your life."

Yes, that’s the meaning, but from K’s point of view, having “fewer things to worry about or maintain”, is just making one’s incarceration more tolerable instead of understanding why we limit ourselves, confine ourselves, by choosing to believe instead of finding out why freedom is having no choice.

Well, I had to bring ChatGPT in on this one: " The concept of freedom in a choiceless life might seem paradoxical at first, but it can be understood through philosophical and psychological perspectives.

  1. Freedom from Paralysis: Having too many choices can sometimes lead to decision paralysis or anxiety. In a choiceless life, individuals might experience a sense of freedom from the burden of making constant decisions. This can lead to a simplified and less stressful existence, as they don’t need to constantly evaluate options and make choices.
  2. Embracing the Present Moment: Living a choiceless life can encourage individuals to fully engage with the present moment and accept things as they are, without constantly striving for different outcomes. This can lead to a sense of liberation from the constant desire for change or improvement.
  3. Detachment from Materialism: Choicelessness can help people detach from the pursuit of material possessions or external achievements. When choices are limited, individuals may focus more on non-material aspects of life such as relationships, inner growth, and contentment, which can lead to a different kind of freedom.
  4. Alignment with Personal Values: When choices are restricted, individuals might be more likely to align their actions with their core values. With fewer distractions and options, they can focus on what truly matters to them, leading to a sense of authenticity and inner freedom.
  5. Transcendence of Ego: A choiceless life can challenge the ego’s need for control and superiority. When choices are reduced, individuals might be more open to humility and acceptance, which can lead to a sense of spiritual or psychological freedom.
  6. Surrender and Flow: Living a choiceless life can encourage surrender to the natural flow of life. This surrender can lead to a feeling of liberation from the constant struggle for control, as individuals learn to adapt and navigate life’s challenges with a sense of ease.

It’s important to note that this idea of freedom in a choiceless life is not universally applicable and can vary greatly depending on individual perspectives, cultural contexts, and life circumstances. While some individuals might find freedom in limitation, others might feel restricted or unfulfilled. Ultimately, the concept of freedom in a choiceless life is a complex and multifaceted idea that can be interpreted and experienced in various ways."


re: “Ultimately, the concept of freedom in a choiceless life is a complex and multifaceted idea that can be interpreted and experienced in various ways.”"

Certainly, if freedom is just an idea, what you say is true. If freedom is a fact, it’s a different story.

I am free to choose a choiceless life.

I am free to choose a choiceless life.

Choicelessness can’t be chosen because the chooser has no choice but to choose according to its conditioning.

Choicelessness is what actually is. Choosing to believe one can choose what is, is conditioning reacting, having no choice but to keep on conditioning itself by updating itself.

Until/unless this process sees what it is doing, we as a species (for the sake of every other living thing) are better off extinct.

But this process cannot see what it is doing until it cannot deny what it beholds.

Would this not occur if the internal conflict with which one has lived for so long has met its limit, has been brought to the point of being a crisis, a matter of life or death?

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How often do human beings wake up and see what humanity is? It’s either not often, or so common no one gives it a thought.

Does the brain, seeing the error of its way, correct itself? Or is the brain corrected before it knows what happened?

Thank you, Inquiry, for your response. If the brain chooses according to its conditioning, what could bring the brain to that point of choiceless awareness which ends conditioning? Must not something happen for the brain to see in choiceless awareness the error of its way, or is this seeing done at will?

It can’t be done “at will” because will is what’s choosing to be selectively aware instead of choicelessly aware. So should the brain find itself choicelessly aware, something obviously happened, regardless of why or how.