Death is the mother of beauty

In a relationship, there is no ‘between’, is there? When there is direct contact with something or someone, there is no space or time between the two. But when this sense of space and time exists, which is thought, we can fill it with whatever we want, with any experience we desire.

You are looking at it the wrong way round. Why desire only those things we already know and can therefore create pictures of? There seems very little point to it. Desire is what keeps us caught in the limitation of the known. Then you are looking to check that you have achieved or reached what you want based on a picture of what you have already known. But the desire for something new and unknown brings about a different kind of looking. Then there is no picture to refer back to because all the old pictures are thrown out.

If you think you can desire what you can’t imagine, you’re deceiving yourself. If you think you’ve thrown out “all the old pictures”, you’re deluded.

What is desire? I want something to happen. That’s the basis of it. I want something to happen in my relationship with you. That’s the specific instance. What do I want? What do you want? Something old? Something familiar? Something safe?

You don’t explore any of this, yet you already know that I am deluded. How do you know unless you explore it with me? Therefore, don’t go back to the old habits. Try it. Let something happen. It can never happen while we are caught in the old.

You are not a rock, a tree, a flower or a bird - you are another person just like me. You have come here to find out what that means. No book or sage can tell you because the meaning is constantly changing. The words from the book or the sage will keep you safe, enclosed, cloistered. But when you throw out every book, every sage, every scrap of collected wisdom, only then are you free to find out.

In our relationship is there direct contact? Thought says no and proudly rattles off a dozen reasons. Feeling says yes. If I let both thought and feeling go, the question disappears.

Quite an accusation.

How do you know unless you explore it with me?

No thanks. I can explore without you.

No book or sage can tell you because the meaning is constantly changing. The words from the book or the sage will keep you safe, enclosed, cloistered. But when you throw out every book, every sage, every scrap of collected wisdom, only then are you free to find out.

When will you be free from Krishnamurti?

But you have just proved my point! You don’t explore. What the hell is the matter with you?

One can’t explore the delusion or the self-deception of someone else without engaging with them to the point of absolute certainty about it. You haven’t gone that far. You have stopped. What are you afraid of? The fear that makes you stop may also be a delusion.

Isn’t it the other way around? You are so caught up in an image of K that you can’t see the world without it.

So it is only an issue for thought. Once there is direct contact, thought has no role to play - so of course it tends to say, ‘No.’ By maintaining the idea that there is a distance between us, a problem to be resolved, thought has room to flourish.

The feeling is more interesting, because this feeling may be a reaction to thought.

Yes! Thought (mine, anyway) grows bored quite quickly when there’s no problem to be solved. Depending on how you look at it it’s either really beautiful or really idiotic: Thought creates an endless series of problems and has endless fun solving them, endorphins ahoy!

Thought and feeling are deeply intertwined, rise together, thoughts-feelings.

Is love a feeling? Obviously, it is not a thought. But is it a feeling?

I’d say love manifests as feeling and as thought. What it is seems to be connection.

I don’t have to ask what’s the matter with you because clearly, you’re self-absorbed and too emotional to be rational.

You have stopped. What are you afraid of? The fear that makes you stop may also be a delusion.

More baseless, emotionally generated accusation.

You are so caught up in an image of K that you can’t see the world without it.

If this isn’t true for you, why are you still here?

Flamethrowers at dawn!!..

Maybe I shouldn’t return fire to a flamethrower…

In the midst of conflict, is there:

Connection, a sense of shared being?
Compassion, empathy?

I am here and so are you. Maybe we have ten, twenty, thirty years more, maybe not. But we are here. And K is long gone, but we are here. Why are we here? You may have a smart answer already prepared. I don’t. I don’t know why we are here. But here we are nonetheless. Now, how serious is your question? Are you really interested to find out why another person is in the same place as you? Or do you just want them to go away?

Or is love also new and unknown? It may affect thought and feeling; it may affect behaviour; it may affect the things that we say and do. But where does it come from? What is the origin of love?


Is it being? Or is it non-being?

I asked you why you’re still here because when you accused me of being, “so caught up in an image of K that you can’t see the world without it”, you were projecting. If you doubt it, ask yourself why you’ve been imitating and mimicking Krishnamurti for years.