If we don’t have the same meaning for the same words we are not communicating. I think that is what is happening in here , miscommunication. And too much miscommunication is boring. Some people I have seen intentionally want miscommunication and confusion., I don’t know why…
Can you give a few examples of words we are not having the same meaning in here? I havent noticed this issue per se, but I have noticed a lot of miscommunication or misunderstanding between posters.
We all speak English here and seem to know the meaning of most English words, so again not sure which words you feel we are not understanding each other.
For example the word relationship. Each have their own meaning for that word.
Thank you for the example but the word “Relationship” seems to have a common meaning to most of us.
I will say that Krishnamurti did use words, certain words in a specialized way, like Meditation, he meant that word in a way, usage that is commonly not meant by that word, how most understand it.
I am not sure at all. Generally relationship means commitment between a man and a woman . She is my girlfriend now but who knows what happens tomorrow. She may have relationship with somebody else…
It depends on the context. If you were talking about relationship in a different way then it should be self-evident within the usage of the word.
Yes but we are not that skilful in communication. Specially when we speak of human mind.
1. (Communications & Information) to impart (knowledge) or exchange (thoughts, feelings, or ideas) by speech, writing, gestures, etc
2. (usually foll by: to) to allow (a feeling, emotion, etc) to be sensed (by), willingly or unwillingly; transmit (to): the dog communicated his fear to the other animals.
3. (intr) to have a sympathetic mutual understanding
4. (usually foll by: with) to make or have a connecting passage or route; connect
5. (Pathology) (tr) to transmit (a disease); infect
6. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (intr) Christianity to receive or administer Communion
[C16: from Latin commūnicāre to share, from commūnis common]
comˈmuniˌcator n
comˈmunicatory adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Sometimes I find that looking at the etymologies of words can reveal important aspects of the words we use. The PIE (Proto-Indo-European) roots are often revelatory.
So, for instance, the word “communication” literally means “to make common” (its root word is “common”: from PIE “ko”, meaning “together”, and “mei”, meaning “move” - so, to move together, or “share together”).
One aspect of this is that the art of communication is the art of finding the right words or combination of words to share one’s understanding, which is to make one’s understanding common to all.
Another aspect of this is that what is being “made common” must itself be capable of being shared, and so, must itself be implicitly “common” (otherwise how could it be shared?).
So sharing means simply: that which is already implicitly common is made explicitly common.
For example, consciousness and its contents (which is shared by all human beings).
I suppose that’s what blocks the path correct? Being able to follow a specific line of thought requires the correct meanings. if someone doesn’t understand what krishnamurtis true usage of the words are then they won’t understand what he means at all, will they?
Yes . I think communication is the most important thing in life. Love is the outcome of communication. Love is communion which is nonverbal part of the communication.
So, communication takes place between two or more people when they have the same meaning for the word at the same time . Not merely speaking about the same thing.