For that first you need to understand what is this Choiceless awareness that K talks about.
You say from ‘first step to last step’.
But first step IS the last step. K was asked pointedly if there was anything at all to his teachings apart from watching. He said it’s all about watching and nothing more. You watch yourself… That’s all there is to it.
You still have some fanciful idea of ‘choicelessness in the entire process’.
Awareness itself requires no path, motive, practice etc. Start from there.
Which is why I opened this thread! But it seems each person has an at least slightly different understanding of what choiceless awareness is. Which is not a bad thing, just a bit confusing.
Yes, which is why I wondered above if we were all choicelessly aware all the time, so that in effect awareness itself is choiceless. Cognition otoh: full of choice.
‘Problem’ as it appears to me is that you can ‘start’ to be aware but it soon fades. Then ‘you’ pick it up again and it fades again…K said something like you start but you break off in the middle, you don’t go all the way. As I recall.
So if that is it, why is that? An ‘energy’ lack? Brain not all that interested in ‘choicless awareness’? It would rather ‘default’ to the self/duality? ‘Watching’ not providing it the stimulation it has become accustomed to?..Like the ‘friction’ of duality of thinker / thought??
Yes. Yes. Yes. Self-centered dualistic non-reality based … they are reflexes.
Choiceless awareness. Like I see a bird and there is no choice at first. One can observe a bird with no choice, no judgement, no theory or whatsoever. But I wonder, why, concerning ourselves, do one want to observe, to be choicelessly aware in the first place ? Are there some premises, an intention to start with ?
I think so…K sort of presented it as the ‘key to paradise’…but maybe we’re too much into instant gratification to have or maintain, this ‘attention’ to ourselves?
No Dan. I mean why ? Why do one want to do that?
But a key attribute of Krishnamurti’s choiceless awareness is that the choiceless extends all the way through the process, that any intention or premise or goal, no matter how subtle, prevents choiceless awareness from happening.
Or should we take this ‘extreme’ choicelessness with a grain of salt, put it on the back burner, to avoid being trapped in a Catch 22?
That it will bring us to “freedom from the known”, No?
Yes we are looking , observing without a goal. But before that, I mean, what bring someone to learn to observe without motive, or goal ? Why did K. talk about choiceless awareness. What are we suppose to find ?
Yes but whatever motive, goal, etc arises can be included in the awareness…if the awareness, watching is present and active. But it fades and the self takes center stage until ‘choiceless awareness’ is ‘tried’ again…if ever. Isn’t choiceless awareness another word for ‘awakening in the moment’? Didn’t he refer to it as an “art”?
You make a bit jump here. Why would one be free of the known?
Sorry. Isn’t “freedom from the known” the ‘end game’?
Choiceless awareness of the mind trying to ‘do’ choiceless awareness?
Isn’t it this a goal ? I mean what are we exploring in being choicelessly aware. Someone come to you and say: look, the brain is time. It have always functione with and in time. There have been a wrong turn. Time must stop. Time is thought, thought is time; it have accumulate all kind of beleives, theory, concepts, rancor, bitterness, all that being the ego. He says all that is there in myself. Then I have to be aware of all that to see the truth or the fasle of it. Then I have to be choicelessness aware . Without choice because if I condam or judge or compare…I have stop observing, I am back. Is it so?
Why? …You want to do that to get something else?
The conditioned mind can talk endlessly about choiceless awareness, but all it can honestly say is that it isn’t real because choice is all it knows and all it can do.
But the conditioned mind can take an interest in how it reacts, how it infuses awareness, distorts perception, and perpetuates the ignorance/arrogance it calls “ego”, or it can persist in the futility of trying to imagine what freedom feels like. Choosing is all the conditioned mind can do, so why doesn’t it choose to follow its every movement instead of pursuing what-should-be, trying to imagine the unimaginable? Isn’t it more sensible for the mind to turn attention to what it is actually doing than to think and talk about what it should and shouldn’t be doing?
Rather to end something
“End” as in die to the attachments in the mind?
In choiceless awareness we also see that.