
And we don’t have eternity.

The human being is lazy by nature, and always expects some reward for everything he does

That isn’t laziness - that’s economics.

Of course!
But we have a lifetime to die psychologically, before we die physically!

Oh, no problem!
Then let man continue to profit from his economic suffering!

I’ve just been told (by Carlo Rovelli, theoretical physicist, in one of his books) that time is what makes things fall over (particularly the difference in the speed of time at the bottom compared to the speed of time at the top of the thing).

Insight (unlike falling over) is apparently less linked to time but rather to stuff like curiosity, urgency, fearlessness, honesty and responsibility (and innocency?).

Sorry, please continue (I only just learnt the thing about time and falling over last night)

PS. “Physical sensation” and “suffering” are surely not synonyms !?!