Concern, yes, but zero control over the mechanism. We are IT, no? What do you say? Is there a way out for man? ‘The controller is the controlled’?
It is a matter of responsibility. The ability to respond to your self, the state of mind, what you are experiencing, etc. We have created a fictional version and look at this as a drama. Asking questions, am I immediate to actual attentiveness, or am I following along in my thoughts?
It is a matter of responsibility.
How do you know? Have you undergone the transformation from self-enslaved to free?
Responsibility is the ability to respond, it is not about what is known.
'What is ’ is most sacred.How? I see children playing and I just look, with no thought or reaction. That is ‘what is’ and may be sacred as I do not know what sacred means other that it’s dictionary meaning. But in place of children if there is person who is being tortured and is crying out of pain that is also ‘what is’ but can it be sacred?
Now on this question of sacredness.
While going through the thread “What is the self,the I, the me” , it occurred why this division of secred and not sacred.
This arises because I see myself a an individual, a human among society of humans. Now if I stand apart and observe, what one sees?
Do one ask what is sacred when one sees 10 to 20 ants munching a live cockroach?Does one ask same question when one sees a sparrow biting on a live insect? No.
So it is just part of nature that just like ants eating a live cockroach or a sparrow biting on a live in insect , human species even though possessed with a comparatively evolved brain, torture and kill each other, it just acts based on its own conditioning. There is no question of sacredness or not, just each species acting as per its limitation.So as long as one is within the system ,all these question of sacredness, freedom justice arises. But outside the system these words have no meaning, just what is.
There is no question of sacredness or not, just each species acting as per its limitation.So as long as one is within the system ,all these question of sacredness, freedom justice arises. But outside the system these words have no meaning, just what is.
If anything is sacred, and someone perceives its sacredness, that someone will act to protect it from those who would corrupt or destroy it.
Everything we can poison, cripple, murder, exterminate, is “sacred” to us. We are desecraters.
Everything we can poison, cripple, murder, exterminate, is “sacred” to us. We are desecraters
A gardner comes to my garden and says" sir, extriminate this plant, it is very poisonous". To a an insect plant may be useful for its survival, but for me that plant is poisenous, to be ecxtriminated. Is the plant sacred because it can be destroyed.
Sacredness ', even though I have used the word in comments, it is still a idea for me, not a fact. Anger, jealousy etc are fact as I have experience of them.
Beauty, joy are not feeling, is sacredness simillar, do not know.
It is in our hands. Once we face our fears, ideas, beliefs, and understand what JK is speaking of, that insight allows us to understand the conflicting nature of our “self” or ego in our own life ("look at it"JK). That insight allows us to live free from the idea of the self.
Nothing magic, divine, just like young children. Accepting what is, no ideas of “better, bigger, etc.”, no need to personally “gain, achieve, etc.” & in the present moment.
A gardner comes to my garden and says" sir, extriminate this plant, it is very poisonous".
To this gardner I say, "And what, sir, do you mean by “extriminate”? It sounds like a fatal trim.
It is in our hands. Once we face our fears, ideas, beliefs, and understand what JK is speaking of, that insight allows us to understand the conflicting nature of our “self” or ego in our own life ("look at it"JK).
I can’t assume that it’s in our hands or is not in our hands. But I do assume that the brain can bring itself to order when the order, the command to maintain a certain kind of disorder, has lost its authority. How that happens, I can’t say.
The way I see it, the brain is all wound up over the question of how we are to proceed as a species, now that we have the means to bring about our extinction. Are we to go through with this madness, or are we to see through it and calm down?
It’s the human condition, and it’s either a problem or it’s just a fact. If it’s not a problem, it can’t be solved. If it’s not a fact, it can’t be taken seriously. We speak of the human condition, but we don’t really understand what it is. We’re trying to understand it by poring over K’s words instead of watching it play out in our thinking, our reactions, our fears, desires, motives, and aspirations.