You mean a guy with a beard and white hair?
I’d rather forget about Donald Trump for at least the rest of the weekend, once we now can hope you’ll be gone for good!I
What do you mean by “the whole movement of creation?”
I think K put it that it’s always “beginning”. not an ending.
72 or so more days of ‘mischief’ and then…
You said that “this light in oneself cannot be mistaken”, and I don’t know anything about it, so please enlighten me. Tell me about this light and why it can’t be mistaken.
I think it’s sad you have to ask for such things after having come across the teachings. Krishnamurti says: ‘be a light to yourself’.
Just wondering, can sacredness be taken as something that can not be corrupted, irrespective of medium. Could it be that common energy that flows through the torturer and one being tortured is sacred, it does not get corrupted / affected by the self in both. This energy being ground of whole of creation is what K was referring to when he says ‘what is’ is sacred. Of course it is not a fact for me but a speculation.
The following is an extract from the extract I posted above at 272. I don’t know if any of you will find, as I do, that it sheds light on this question of “sacredness”:
… thought cannot make anything sacred. You understand the beauty of it, sir? To discover that, to come upon that - feeling, thought can never make the tree beautiful, the mountain beautiful, your face lovely, thought cannot make it, therefore thought, which is the response of memory, thought which is measurable can never be sacred. Right?
…So can the mind be without thought, and use thought when necessary? Which means, the mind being empty of thought can use thought, and live with thought, in harmony, not one and the other. And this is meditation. So that the mind has no illusion; and illusion arises when you want to achieve. When you say, ‘I must attain that,’ and then you can invent something which you will attain and think you’ve got it.
…So my mind, so the whole of my mind is sacred - you understand? - not its content is sacred […] - that quality of mind that’s completely empty. And out of that emptiness, space and silence, thought can operate.
This corresponds for me to his saying that the brain is the mind when it has this quality of complete emptiness. It does address I think Huguette the example of “torture” say. That that is not ‘sacred’ but rather the behavior derived from the “content” that has been conditioned in the torturer’s brain.
Yes, and you have implied that you are a light to yourself; that you are a living example of what Krishnamurti spoke of.
Usually, people come to forums like this because they are not a light to themselves and they’re looking to K’s teaching for enlightenment. Do you find that “sad”?
I’ll take the first part of your post as a compliment, but no, it isn’t right. As to the rest, it out of context, no comments
Fair to say then that the self can end when it is seen to be a creation or illusion by thought with memory? Does the brain have a stake in perpetuating it when it sees there’s no security there…only pain and fear and confusion? The brain over time has let go a lot of beliefs, superstitions, all those ‘gods’ that it made responsible for everything. K has said that the ‘self’ arises with desire. Without desire to become, no self? Fear of the ‘death’ image is a desire to ‘be’ and to not be ‘nothing’. But the self is only a product of a mechanical process: thought / thinking. Why does it seek continuity in an image of a ‘self’? I can ask myself this question.
Successful self-perpetuating mechanisms tend to perpetuate
Who / what is measuring the ‘self’ and claiming it to be a success? The brain?
Has what we ‘truly’ are become confused with what we think we are? This body, these sensations, this ‘bundle’ of memories of experiences and accumulated knowledge?
The power of suggestion and compulsive repetition. The brain is hobbled by this mechanical process that doesn’t stop and rarely pauses.
The self’s, my, desire to be free only keeps the mechanism in motion. The whole thing has to be seen in the moment.
A self-perpetuating mechanism that succeeds in perpetuating is by all definitions a success.
Perpetuation for perpetuation’s sake… with no concern for what it is perpetuating?
There are of course examples of this kind - where the proliferation of a species has led to their demise - drowning in their own waste and such.