It is in touch only with its own deluded representation of reality. And from that nightmare, it reacts.
Thus creating a new reality/actuality. And on and on.
Do I see I am illusion right now? Not, do I know about that as an idea, and pick it up from time to time, on and off, and play with it. And if I don’t see I am illusion, what do I think I see? Do I think I see an other who is not in fact an invention of mine?
The actual is here and now. It is nowhere else. So can we actually meet?
Do you agree that Dominic as a you, and co-operator in we, is an invention of self?
What is the point of any agreement? If we are not actually meeting one another, an agreement has no meaning.
Something is being pushed past here is it not? Is Dominic as a you invention or not?
It’s a name, that’s all. Your name is not an invention.
It’s a label yes, but it’s what it is a label for. Do I merely talk to a label, and ask to meet a label? So is all that is considered to lie behind the label an invention?
Yes I am the society. The fragmentation in consciousness is the fragmentation in society with all the brutal effects…the war and immense disorder and suffering world wide. And thought rushes in to ‘do something’ to remedy this not seeing as you said, that the cause is the effect. Society creates ‘me’ and ‘I’ create the society.
It’s a label for the physical form of another human being. So it is two human beings meeting. Everything is there. Nothing else needs to be involved, certainly not idealistic inventions.
And so is this all something a brain is considering to be an objective reality right now? And is its consideration actual or imaginary?
Yet all the conditioning…the labels…the right vs wrong…is there in the brain when two human beings meet. This is the barrier…in ‘me’ and in the ‘other’. Of course I can’t do anything about ‘your’ images. What’s relevant to ‘me’ is my own images…the conditioning in ‘me’.
You and I are both here now. That’s an actuality. Perhaps it is just a mundane everyday fact with very little significance. If something imaginary comes in, it is because we invite or elicit the imaginary.
Wait. Is that an idea or an actuality?
If all that conditioning is there actively at work in the brain, there is very little point in meeting. Meeting with all that, we are going to perpetuate conflict, one way or another, subtly or openly, directly or passively aggressive. In other words, we have come along for a fight, call it intellectual argument or spiritual enquiry, but it is basically just a fight. To meet you, I have to leave all that aside.
I think I actually feel that I am somewhere inside ‘me’ and the society is outside of ‘me’. I have to observe more carefully. Very busy again today with family responsibilities.
In other words, we have come along for a fight, call it intellectual argument or spiritual enquiry, but it is basically just a fight.
Not sure I can agree with this. Inquiry is a fight? How? can you explain? Are you implying that our guns are ready…in the holster perhaps…but we’re armed?
Not sure I can agree with this. Inquiry is a fight? How? can you explain?
No, it is only a fight if we have come with our conditioning intact. That means our opinions, beliefs and theories are all prepared.
That means our opinions, beliefs and theories are all prepared.
Well, the human brain is conditioned. We can observe this everywhere as well as in ourselves…even those of us who read K. But as much of the conditioning is unconscious it acts without us being aware that it’s the background that’s responding or reacting to another human being…either here on the forum or in every day living.
I think I actually feel that I am somewhere inside ‘me’ and the society is outside of ‘me’.
But the whole of society feels that way. So your consciousness is the same consciousness as your neighbour: it thinks in terms of separation.