
We don’t know what IT, the truth is, so we know nothing about it. We just know that we are full of ideas and beliefs that escape scrutiny because they are the contents of our false identity. But (I’m surmising) if the brain can always discern the difference between what is actual and what is conceptual, fantasy is always fantasy, and what’s the harm in it if it’s can’t be mistaken for anything else?

Assuming you know it’s fantasy and don’t attach to it the risk of harm seems low. Memory is telling me Krishnamurti enjoyed movies?

  1. You will be nothing, although for others you will still be Rick.

  2. Wherever you want to go, only that what for others is a reality, for you is now a mere illusion. And unless you decide to leave this world you will need that illusion to continue relating to your fellow human beings.

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If I, a fictious character, can be turned off, it can be turned back on without ever being mistaken for an actual being. So there’s nothing wrong with being I when it is clearly just an act that is necessary or entertaining in the moment, but insanity as a continuous performance. We are all actors who never break character.

So until/unless I is seen for the impersonation it is, the show must go on.

Nothing, that is, but what your little voice says you are (according to fraggle).

Today my little inner voice spoke to me and said, ‘I have to admit that when he puts his mind to it, @Inquiry’s ignorance is actually quite funny!:man_facepalming:

Whether there is an audience or not!

We put the mask on and now are the mask.

And the ‘responsibility’, is to let the stupid thing go.

Being responsible requires being honest with yourself, seeing what’s really there.

I find nothing amusing about your little voice, but if you love it, I suppose that’s all that matters.

An updated version of Genesis…putting on the mask instead of eating the fruit, humanity was driven from the garden into the world of each human’s imagination.

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There you have it, a conditioned brain that assumes a lot of things that it then transfers to its slave, the self, to convert those assumptions first into belief, and then into reality, after firmly believing that its master is not lying to it.

Isn’t it strange that you constantly talk about the brain and everything else on a general level in the forum and never tell us about the things your own brain does, @inquiry?

p.s.: by the way, the house has been on fire for some time, but none of the inhabitants seem to be worried about the flames.

Not familiar with sarcasm, are you.

Where’s your little voice when you need it?

I see, you’re not one to throw a stone and then hide your hand, are you?

Do you ask your brain this when insight doesn’t come when you need it?
Do you ask this of insight when it doesn’t come when you need it?