“The real thing is man’s discontent, the inevitable discontent. It is a precious thing, a jewel of great worth. But one’s afraid of it, one dissipates it, uses it or allows it to be used to bring about certain results. Man is frightened of it, but it is a precious jewel, without value. Live with it, watch it day after day, without interfering with its movements, then it is as a flame burning away all the dross, leaving that which is homeless and measureless “
I am often discontented with what the present moment has to offer. It is contrary to my usual thinking to treat discontent as a jewel to be watched without reacting to or escaping from, which are merely more jewels to be observed without interference.
“Live with it, watch it day after day, without interfering with its movements”
is a mirror which by looking into, I see the unknown movement of me that I haven’t seen before. I don’t know what will occur if that is done day after day without interfering with it. I don’t care, but it is certainly is a revealing process. I’m not analyzing his statement but am using it to look into the movement of myself as it is unfolding. I really don’t expect anything from it. It is refreshing in and of itself.
This to me is ‘living the teaching’. Self knowledge. Nothing to do with having a Krishnamurti transformation. (Whatever that is or was). The teaching as I see it is to set ourselves free from conflict. Only self knowledge can do that. The point of the teaching is not to become another Krishnamurti. He pointed out himself that that was impossible anyway.