First of all, can you, as a human being, follow what another says? You understand the question? We need a total change, a deep revolution, psychological revolution, the inward revolution, without which you cannot possibly create a new society. I wonder if you are interested in all this, are you? Eh? No, I am afraid you are not.
Audience: We are.
K: Come off it! You are really interested in being told what you should do, you are really interested to find a safe path, because you have never exercised your own brain to find out how to live rightly. You repeat, and from now on if there is one thing that you can really do is to never repeat what you do not know, never do anything that you don’t understand - you yourself, not your gurus, your saviours, your religious books but what you yourself understand. You know what would happen to you? You would no longer be second-hand human beings. Then you would put aside all the gurus, all the religious books, you would never follow anybody. Because then you would be acting exactly with facts, not with suppositions, not with formulas. Do try it, do do it one day, tomorrow - never to repeat that which you do not understand logically, sanely, never to do something that you yourself have not directly tested. Then you will see that you will be faced with actualities, not with ideals, not with formulas, not with conclusions, but actually with ‘what is’, which is yourself.
Public Talk 1 Bombay (Mumbai), India - 07 February 1971