Yesterday at the beach I had the feeling that I could not avoid the impact of reality, of actuality. It was always there regardless my willingness to resonate with it or not. It’s quite obvious, isn’t it? But feeling it is different than understanding it intellectually.
Then after lunch I had a nap lying on the sand. There were almost no people in the beach and they were far from me, so apart from the soothing sound of the sea the silence was perfect.
After a while I heard the voice of a lady saying something to her husband at some distance from me, a dim voice yet, due to the silence, it resonated in the air. It awaked me and again I felt the impact of actuality, again the sea, the sky and the breeze were there and I was resonating with them.
Back at home someone sent me a link to a record of Billie Holiday in you tube music, knowing she was one of my favourite singers, and among the many songs there was “When your lover has gone”. It’s a song which many jazz singers have sung, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, etc. but I prefer Billie’s version. Billie was an ill-fated woman, she spent a miserable life, all her lovers cheated, robbed and abandoned her. So when she sings “when your lover has gone” you can feel she‘s talking about herself. She ended her life as an alcoholic. And you can feel all her sadness in her voice… a very peculiar voice. I was resonating with her sadness.
While I was listening to it, I had a sudden feeling: I had to send the words of this song to @Inquiry. Will he resonate with them? Will he be moved by the simple feeling this song expresses? If he is human, he will resonate with the humanity contained in this song. This, I thought, is the best answer I can give to his questions. This song is not only telling of its author or singer, it tells of us and of course it tells of Inquiry too. I, you, us all are the main characters of the story it tells. The story of humanity.
Yesterday I didn’t think of all those implications consciously. I didn’t stop and think whether what I was going to do was appropriate, or inappropriate, good or bad. Take it or leave it.
But today I thought that perhaps I had found the clue to understand something K had said and which may be relevant with the topic of this thread: resonance.
Perhaps what I’m going to say will appear granted for many of the people here… or maybe not.
I remembered that K had said that we are (or should be) like a drum, being empty it will resonate with every sound that happens to be there. Resonance is something which concern waves, vibrations… and after all the universe, matter, according to science is made of waves. Light is a wave, sound is a wave, and even subatomic particles are waves (I’m forced to enter into the intellectual realm here). So could not perception, both sensory and non-sensory, be just a matter of resonance?
Let’s go back to the voice I heard at the beach, the sound is a vibration and that vibration arrives at the brain and something in it resonate with that sound. So, we can say that we perceive something the moment we are resonating with the waves always there in the outside world. When I was asleep the waves (the sea, the breeze) were still there around me but I was not resonating with them. At the moment of awakening the resonance was re-established.
Now when we are dealing with people our resistance, our mental barriers prevent us from resonating with the other person. And another thought came to my mind, something I have read long ago somewhere, we can resonate with something or with someone because we are made of the same stuff. And love perhaps is just resonance. The Greek word “sympathy” means “together in sorrow”. I can resonate with Billie’s sorrow; I am together with her in that. I can resonate with something fine or with something ugly (if I don’t build a wall), staying with “what is” is resonating with what is and that means I am embracing it/her/him, I am allowing it to enter into myself. The word “comprehend” comes from Latin comprehendere which means contain in oneself or embrace. Understanding happens when we are resonating with someone or are embracing him/her, so perhaps even intelligence is resonance.
What if everything – perception, awareness, love, intelligence, compassion, can be simplified, summarized in this phenomenon of resonance? Surely life is resonance, and resonance is a way to embrace and so understand life. My hope is that if Inquiry can resonate with that song maybe that will lead him to get out of the isolation he has put himself in. There is no need to “look for one’s tail”, reality is always there around and inside us and what we only need to do is resonate with it. And as I have said, if we are made of the same stuff then we can resonate with another.
So my initial feeling at the beach of “we cannot avoid the impact with reality” can be translated “we cannot avoid resonating with life”, otherwise we are not actually living, there is no life in isolation.