What did Krishnamurti mean by fact?

Baby steps, yes. Grand gestures, as thrilling as they can be, tend to backfire. Thing with baby steps, their pudding tastes mild, more wholesome porridge than tapioca with whipped cream.

It is not ‘what is’ to think I have some ability to find it.

Silence is the answer. But What is silence?

Silence is normally seen as absence … of sound, thought, images, emotions, self.

Is there something present in silence?

A fact is something that can be verified to be true by more than one person. Facts can be communicated where as opinions can not be communicated.

Opinions change daily but facts don’t change easily.

And by “what-is”, did Krishnamurti mean: my subjective experience, since I can’t perceive directly what actually is?

Does one choose to relinquish or does it happen spontaneously? If the latter, “I” can’t relinquish…it just happens.


“Facts can be communicated where as opinions can not be communicated”.
Totally agreed, that is how research papers are published in most of journals. However I observed, some researchers are trying to explain the basic fact in a more complicated way. May be my perception was not up to the mark.:slight_smile:

Not true. Both facts and opinions can and are constantly communicated