Why you take up this conclusion, so you are self-centered and isn’t that a truthfully observation?
For what we can learn from nature : ask yourself why the flow of a river never turns around, by condemning your selfcenteredness you’re swimming against the stream don’t you?
I see that, this kind of active discussion will make the mind to be free from all those traps created by society in our daily lives(to some extent).
(Krishnamurthy’s stated intention was to “set men free”), I think we are the set of people in the present day society who is trying to understand the complications in mind. May be his message of setting the mind free, might pass to next generation through us.
Yes I see it that way also. No time limit but he did see an urgency for a breakthrough to happen. Our fiendish ways of destruction continue to be ‘improved upon ‘.
All living things are ‘motivated’ to avoid what is bad and seek what is good. I have been thinking about this ‘Silent mind’ as being the mind of the universe, the mind of the “immensity”, the general mind different but not divided from the particular mind. The suggestion as I read it is that the human brain has the potential to receive or ‘resonate’ with this Universal Mind but is stuck somehow. Freedom for man then is the brain ‘letting go ‘ (breaking out?) of the limited image it has of itself, this patterning around a center ie., becoming silent…when asked what happened to him, Krishnamurti said “the ocean fell into a drop”.
Are you saying “letting go” means accepting the situation as it is?, If I do that it free the mind from its own image it had in the previous situation.
I still did not understood the relation between “Letting go” and “Motive”. I guess, I need some more attention on this aspects.
But what about your remark: ’ nothing changed !’
Isn’t that an automatic respons from thought comparing what was with what is? And isn’t that an indication that deep down very subtle something is working on the psycological level?
That’s what was seen by pondering over this question and seeing that things where changed !
We think there is going to be some wonderful transformation of ourselves, like a celebrity. It requires a great deal of serious attention. There may be found something different in awareness, or sensitivity, some alertness, a clarity not contaminated by thought, and not something of the thinking, it is me changed. Is it me in life, or the life in me?
The ‘situation’ is always what it is, as I see it. Isn’t it the ‘acceptor’ or ‘rejector’ , that is the past meeting and acting on the present? Isn’t that the source of conflict? Is it the sense of security provided the brain, that ‘someone’ is in charge?
The animals and birds don’t ‘have’ a relationship with life, they ARE life itself. In us there is an image of a ‘self’ fabricated from past experiences that creates a distance or division and psychologically isolates us. Nurturing the self-image with more knowledge, more experiences, etc, just strengthens the isolation.
I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contain’d,
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things,
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.
And yet when I watch the bird that has come to the bath for the first time, how it perches on the rim it’s head turning left and right and behind and up and down over and over again sensing that it will be vulnerable to a predator once it enters the water, finally enters and quickly leaves. Would I want that intensity of awareness and alertness that our ancestors had to have constantly to keep from being killed and eaten by something else?
The brain that has created the physical comfort and security many of us enjoy has also created the “whining” and complaint.
I see that the situation is always what it is, as you said. In my previous life, I did not accepted as it is for most of the time and as a result chattering happened inside.
“Is it the sense of security provided the brain, that ‘someone’ is in charge?”. Of course most of the minds tries to maintain an image in other minds, in which it finds security. I practically feel that it is must to maintain an image for basic communication with people around us for maintaining stability among others, but some minds take this to different levels.
I don’t know what you’re trying to say here. For one thing, I don’t recall saying “nothing changed”, As I said, Krishnamurti’s lifelong attempt to “set men free” was not futile because many people have undergone profound - if not radical - change as a result of his teaching.
The difference between perceiving what-is and accepting what-is, is the difference between self and no self. Accepting is an act of will, something you choose to do. When perception is direct, there is no you, no choice.
“Accepting is an act of will”
Yes, Sir, it is the “WILL”. In some situations the self may get conflicted, it is “WILL” to accept the situation. One may cry or burst at first, but after some time the image of self will start changing, and eventually, the mind will be free from the image.
“When perception is direct, there is no you, no choice”
Totally agreed on that discription.
I questioned the role of “WILL” to change consciousness in a different thread started by @Peter .
In speaking about this necessary alertness, he used the example of the absolute necessity for it if you are in the jungle…and he said as I recall that it was necessary to have it, living in “the jungle of the world”.