
In some situations trust is a matter of life and death.

Are you referring to the death of the body? As in when mountainclimbing, attached by a rope to each other for safety?

And if you are, the fear is still psychological, what good is wondering about trust once we are on the mountainside?

What is your subjective view/experience of trust in this forum?

The trust I’ve paid most attention to here is the one I described above as an expectation that a certain set of behavioral and moral/ethical guidelines will be followed. Basically I trust someone who I feel is a Mensch, a Yiddish word for a good person: fair, honest, kind, caring, considerate. Which doesn’t mean blase or sentimental.

For me the forum is quite trustworthy in this sense of the word. Occasionally I dare to show myself, the ‘real’ me warts 'n all, and for the most part the responses are kind and thoughtful. There’s a lot I don’t share, but I can imagine sharing at least some of that at the proper moment.

The posturing and chest-thumping and better-than-thouness don’t usually bother me so much, I usually ignore them and move on. That’s a different type of trust, trusting that something is ‘true.’

Ja. The self can be heinously injured by a breach of trust, but I doubt it can be killed/ended.

If I were climbing a mountain I would do lots of trust/risk-assessing before beginning. But during the climb I would stay extra aware of what I took to be possible danger points. Knowing what to remain aware of might avert (an avertable) disaster!

As I keep saying : I trust that we are all human, and doing our bestest.

Which is about as goodest as it gets, right?

That would be a denial of human potential.

Freedom of intelligence, the clarity of love/non-self, are better in that there is absence of fear, conflict and confusion. However, we cannot choose to not be, so we have no basis to judge and condemn.

A lovely starting point for a trusted circle of fellow explorers.

If this is true, we have to deal with the believers in a way that doesn’t stimulate them, doesn’t feed their need to preach and teach. We could ignore them, let their gaseous eructations go without comment. Or we could remind them that they’re demonstrating how easily and how often K-students become radically transformed selfless replications of K himself.

It could be, but it could also be finding out for oneself how trustworthy they are.

Not yet, anyway…just a few individuals who share the same conceit. Give them time…

Reading some of op’s posts here and elsewhere one can’t help but notice the repeated association between trust and codependency. Frequent appeals to a pack mentality, “the group”, surely can’t touch the subtle balance of trust.