Thinking Together

Thanks for the comments anyway!

It looks like a reaction; the brain’s content in conflict with awareness.

Is what I know so overwhelmingly important, that we cannot help posting the stuff we post?

Yes, when there’s little or no self-knowledge. With self-knowledge, one knows how wrong, mistaken, or confused one can be and how this manifests as reactive behavior.

Would you say then that awareness observing the self coexists at all times with a moving self?

The divisive mind is “a description of the conflict and confusion,” or is it itself “the conflict and confusion.” And if it is the former, it is a description for whom or what?

Obviously! Now, would you say that in the case of someone who is ‘thinking-together’ with another, that thought ever occurs?

do we really want to communicate
whether it is necessary or not
is something to find out later

If by “self” we mean the flowing stream of content, it’s moving when the brain is awake and dreaming.

would you say that in the case of someone who is ‘thinking-together’ with another, that thought ever occurs?

If thought might not be occurring, why call it “thinking together”?

Because the word “thinking” in “thinking-together” refers to the process, not to conditioned thought itself. Think that Krishnamurti always spoke to people who only had the thought to observe what he was saying, hence he coined the term/label “thinking together”, continually challenging our thinking during that observation. Hence ‘thinking-together’.

joy belongs to no-one
and listening itself is joyful

it only makes sense now
to think about this together

then joy goes on

the truth about ourselves is bewildering
there is no-one there to care
“I care so much!” is just the voice of vanity
there is no-one there to listen
“I am listening!” is a lie
there is no-one there to love
“I love you!” is the end of something
not the beginning

K: 28:07 (Thinking together)
You and I are not involved in it.

has anyone watched
Thinking Together
from start to finish?