The self

Of course it isn’t. Who said it was?

I’m confused. What did you say that Patricia mistook for something nutty?

Especially when it’s based on a misunderstanding of something said.

I thought Patricia was sniping at me for agreeing with Dan that K’s editor didn’t make it clear that “we are the world” would have been less vague if it had been “we are the world of self-absorbed human beings”.

Your conversation with David about the mirror was good, but apparently Patricia translated it in such a way as to sound her alarm.

This seems to be the trend after the messenger, teacher departs the scene…in the case of K where the message is about the “urgency”; “the house is burning”, “the self is evil”, the need for constant attention, etc, is there any possibility that a forum In his name doesn’t become a “charade”?

If the forum exists for the purpose of finding out what K meant by what he said, and reveals how everyone gets from K’s words what they want, it’s more of a demonstration of what K was addressing than a charade.

Me neither , without offense Pat.

Is it necessarly always the case ? In your satire , you express your percpetion of the situation. Is it a self in this case ? Or simply the expression of your perception.

I agree. It could simply happen in a dialogue. But for a dialogue to happen , we both have to make the journey, the trip together. Otherwise, what’s left is only misunderstanding.

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No, she did not take anything I said wrongly. Re-read James post two up from yours to better understand what transpired, James gets it.

I apologized not for anything she took wrongly, but for causing some possible more conflict when my intention was to end conflict, if possible, between a few participants on here. But it backfired in that now several are back to not talking. But at least that is a possible harmonious resolution, the best we can do given the circumstances. Hope this clarifies.

Krishnamurti had only one request of everyone before his death:

“Please don’t let them pollute the teaching”.

Now - almost forty years later - and without K’s guiding hand - the self has managed to morph the teaching into a travesty, designed only to suit its own selfish ends. Something for the self to feed upon - entertain itself with - as it grows daily stronger in its own petty little opinions.

Where it can act as bully and authority over others - where it relies upon popularity to indicate truth - where it can navel-gaze to its heart’s content - believing that is change - and trumpet about ‘helping each other’ and being a ‘mirror’ for everyone - believing that is love.

And the self hearing only what reenforces its own petty little agenda. All the while generating megawatts of conflict energy to fuel this fruitless quest.

And humanity has sunk into a state of total disaster - which is destroying this beautiful planet and all the magnificent creatures that share it with us.

And perhaps the only chance for total change in humanity lies in the pure unpolluted teaching of K. Humanity cannot continue on its merciless rampage forever. As K has pointed out - humanity has got everything wrong from the very beginning.

K said: If you are touched by the other, and you are not anchored in it - it will destroy you.

Understanding the movement of self is a lifelong, extraordinary journey - which opens up a whole world of awareness and wonder. Which allows all the elements of human disorder to fall into place, where they can be dealt with clearly on a moment-to-moment basis. It demands one’s all - but conflict energy ends - and a new, pure and untouchable energy manifests.

The earth - and the beautiful creatures - the environment - all are crying out for humanity to totally change.

Please end the charade that goes on here. Return to the source of the wholeness of K’s teaching with a fresh new mind. Do the work - stand alone - find out! No-one else can do it for you. And no-one else can tell you how. Go to the source and discover for yourself.

The world is desperate for that complete change in humanity. But be prepared for the totality of that change - it is no small thing. And it is not about you - it is holistic.



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Please quote what he said because I still don’t know what exactly Patricia is so upset about. Who said what that pushed her button?

None of us know for sure either Inquiry, what exactly Patricia is so upset about or who said what that pushed her button. As has been pointed out, she sort of speaks in codes or abstractions and is not as forthright as some of us would like. But I have nothing more to say about this and I am better off staying out of this. If you want to know more try having a conversation with Patricia about whatever you are still trying to understand.

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Patricia is un-upsetable.

It simply needs to be pointed out just how far away from the actual teaching of K the self has managed to take any discussion.

And Patricia will continue to point that out - only because the teaching is so important in the tragically disordered world of today.

Of course the self will not listen - it has too much to lose, and is far too contented in its ongoing delusions. It is no longer listening to K either. Nevertheless…

Patricia, none of us on this forum (yourself included) are experts in K’s teachings. Most who come here have some understanding of the teachings, nothing more. All we can do is come here with civility and, if at all possible, an open mind.

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One cannot be an expert in K’s teaching. One either lives it or one does not. The teaching is action - not theory.

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It seem to me that the necessity to see the value of what K was talking about does not belong to ego energy.

Isn’t it very simple that if you are right you don’t need to get it and if you get it you don’t necessarily have it.

Patricia, are you saying you live the teachings but the rest of us don’t? I am politely trying to clarify what you are expressing on this thread.

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Sean - Are you living the teaching? That is your only concern.

Hello Patricia. No, I am not living the teaching. I have not undergone the radical transformation which K underwent. Having said that, I sometimes read a passage from K’s writing or watch him speak on video and find that my awareness has sharpened somewhat. For example, watching K talk about listening I find that I am more attentive and actually listening more carefully, without thought and judgement jumping in, at least for a short time. That is where I am in relation to the teachings Patricia. I would be interested to hear your reply to this question.

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Wim - the human brain is either in disorder - or it is not. Which is it?

In seeing the disorder - out of that manifests correct action.

One’s only concern is: has one understood the disorder? It is then clear whether the whole brain has seen the disorder.

It is of great concern however - to any serious-about-K person - if the teaching is being polluted - is it not? K did request that it not be polluted - and for very sound reason.

Hi again Patricia. I think when you write a statement like this, there is a distinct possibility that the reader will become confused.

To begin with, the implication is that we are not all serious about K on this forum. Secondly, it seems as if you are saying that others on this forum are polluting the teaching while, by implication, you are not. Is this what you are trying to communicate here Patricia? Or have I got this wrong?

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