The "prickly" what-is of Mankind

You tell me…

(20 characters)


The op has taken what-is and embedded it smack in the middle of human behavior and one’s life experience. Leaving no wiggle room for theorizations or the popular practice of using K’s what-is as a cliché,’ as if what-is refers to things ‘out there’. Which is perhaps one of the several reasons why the troll reacted. Since this thread we don’t see the phrase being parroted or being twisted as frequently.

Funny, this what-is,

When you’re talking about OP you’re referring to the poem, aren’t you? But your objection to K’s seemingly misplaced concern about the “future of mankind” still hasn’t been addressed. You are questioning his statement, aren’t you?

Yes reactive trolls are funny. The ones that follow you around are the funniest. Then there are those whose authority is limited to sly “flagging” under whatever pretext they can come up with. Equally amusing.

Incidentally, i think its a good policy to be conservative in how much you clue in. Keep in mind you aren’t dealing with good people here. These are people who will take information and use it for their nefarious purposes.

Are you referring to this guy @macdougdoug and some others? I had a look at his website and the introduction says it all: “if we produce enough content of interest, we’ll try and make a book out of it.”

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Oh, I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes, I get by with a little help from my friends
With a little help from my friends


Ouch! :face_with_head_bandage:

PS. Hello, actual human person here.


What´s the big deal? Seen one seen them all.

I don’t reckon that I am best placed to discuss with you the many facets of human relationship.

Please note however that Ad hominem remarks are frowned upon here (as they are in most places where dialogue is key).

It was a joke but I see that you take yourself much more seriously than others, a feature of the “human person”.
May I suggest you to remind your own words, in general and especially with regard to those who are new in the forum? It´s not nice to come across, aggressive, provocative comments and bad taste expressions the first times they post something in this site dedicated to explore and discuss the meditations of J. Krishnamurti. I notice many of the “old” participants have given up. I myself am leaving.Thank you and good luck.

“‘Inquiry’ says:
I’m of the opinion that those “who “know” (…) should be banished.”

This thread should be fixed on the top of this forum so that the unwary who “wander” into it either today or within x years, especially those who can articulate anything halfway intelligent, will know from where and why the shots are being fired. Insanity at its best. The OP, the whole thread, absolutely brilliant, human and compassionate.

Thanks for writing and posting it.

Re -Edit: Have just seen that Mr. Belvedere´s account was suspended because “No constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community”, must be a joke. Same happened with “Examiner”. Hence:

It´s obvious that the organization supports this crazy interpretation of K´s teachings that demonizes knowledge and persecutes those who “know” with violence and savagery, otherwise this guy´s account, “Inquiry”, would have been suspended long time ago.
Once this is known, who would want to be part of this “pure”, holy crap? By jove!

Best wishes to all for the coming New Year and beyond :partying_face:

The posters and their personalities, and opinions aside (which always makes for “interesting times”) there is the concept of “freedom from the known” that K has often bandied about.

Not suggesting of course that the concept should be used as a weapon to bash our intellectual foes.

Books with radically different points of view, opinions, conclusions etc, sit peacefully along side one another on the book shelf. It’s only, it seems, when the contents get stuck in people’s brains, that the trouble starts?

Thank you for leaving.