The only plan that cannot fail the learning brain of mankind, is learning the Art of Inquiry in life for yourselves

The famous scientist Albert Einstein freely told anyone who would listen that Nationalism was the psychological measles of all of mankind. Jiddu Krishnamurti said the thought is not the thing. I am saying thought is the thing if you are talking about thought together or alone, and not anything else thought is talking about, or pointing to, or talking about in a material world.

I am also saying Nationalism has mutated and mankind has not in 2025. Nationalism, cultism, tribalism, organized religion, communism, capitalism, socialism is presently the psychological incurable cancer infecting all of mankind in strange and bizarre ways that meet the scientific definition of insanity, when those things become extreme obsessions and mutate intro personal forms of violence supported individual megalomania.

This site might close but it is not closing on the truth and no site on earth can stop the living truth, the light of inquiry, from its freedom related pursuits, and natural course of mutating human beings, and evolving all of life to adapt to every condition whether it is manmade or a natural event. Adapt or die and only conditioning blocks all of mankind from evolving. Inquire or not only there is no Plan B program on earth, that has not already failed mankind and has not already been tried and failed those who followed any so called national; or religious traditional pattern.

There has never been a ritualistic program, in any organized pyramid scam that succeeded in producing one original whole undivided human being. Not in any organized ancient hierarchy, were members evolving in their own lives, and not in any allegedly modern new one revised out of the ashes of the old. There has never been a successful system of belief, and they all divided mankind from their own families, friends, and neighbors.

Divided bitterly in absolute conditioned disagreements, divisions, and chaotic inner confusion, and disharmony over conceptual inventions. They all have failed to evolve mankind. Ponder on these things for yourselves.War as the path to peace is the whole process of the most insane, leading mankind to the cliffs of our species eventual destruction. Following all the leaders, who do not know how wars start, and why, even promising to end them with brute force, weapons of mass destruction, mutually assured destruction is not a plan A or any path to being a great leader, or a path to peace. Goodby my old, and new friends. Ponder on these things for yourselves.


The wrong turn for our species may have been taken early in our beginnings somewhere in time but now we make the ā€˜wrong turnā€™ each moment. That was stated in The Ending of Time. A ā€˜centerā€™ formed and divided itself from itself: the ā€˜me and mineā€™. That center is the darkness, the wrong turn taken every moment. It struggles to be free of the pain and suffering it has unwittingly created and by its struggles, desires, it maintains the ā€˜darknessā€™.That is the trap that has to be seen. We are the trap. The observer is the observed.




Yes my friend. We as products of programmed societal thought are in general trying to get thought to fix itself without discovering the conflicts, the inner duality, the fragmentation. All that back and forth activity is set up by our habits, and seemingly fixed patterns of thinking and thought. deeper beliefs facts untruths .that only in awareness can reveal in doubt. we can understand the source of reactions, our motives, our desires because they are so fast and so strong. Not that we must act against them, or change them when it is more urgent that we understand them because mutation is flexibility, moving in two dimensions of for and against is thought is stagnating not learning. The psychological mirror we make must be very clear and very precise reflecting ourselves back to us, while the brain is projecting images for us that are not always true or accurate. Projections are automatic like a knee jerk from a rubber hammer only they are from us also even though they can make us see and hear things and make decisions that have nothing to do with the real things we are not seeing and not hearing.and not feeling, producing our own misunderstandings.

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I think that a forum like this is invaluable for anyone who has come upon and is interested in Kā€™s wonderful, important work! Especially for the older ones among us. Things seem to ā€˜loosen upā€™ a bit as one gets closer to death and insights come and to be able to share them feels very important. This forum that Dev has created and supported will be greatly missed!


We can always go on @macdougdougā€™s blog and annoy him/share our thoughts there (:wink:), but I realise itā€™s not the same thing. It wonā€™t be easy to find a similar online space to share/discuss about these matters.


I agree gentlemen. The world generally is moving to the extreme right and suppressed speech. In a person on the extreme far right generally their speech is the only free speech. Their books are the only right books .Their beliefs about freedom abortion gender and religious and ethnic racism, are not to be questioned. So as the world reverts to extreme nationalism and isolation and burns there are fewer places to go where information is not controlled and human beings can have such a wide range of discussions? When things get bad the people doing bad things get even worse. No more places to gather. No more sanctuaries and no more places to make into a non bullying oasis. So sad that so few are hearing the call to inquire with both the young and the old. I do not want to tell DEV what to do except reconsider what usefulness really is in thought ideas, deeds and beliefs and groups, if it is not to pursue freedom for all from programming and allowing freedom of reasonable expression here?


Iā€™ll share this: while walking in the woods this morning, I started to think about a party that my wife and I attended last night. As I realized that this was what was happening and that I was reacting to it, there was also the realization that thought was streaming not only about the events, it was also creating ā€˜meā€™ as the ā€˜thinkerā€™ who was thinking about the memories! The ā€œThinker is the thoughtā€ was no longer an intellectual understanding; there was no ā€˜meā€™ā€¦it was the movement of thought.


The only thing preventing new insights in our life is the memory of our last insight. Wonderful my friend. Insights are free for everyone on earth and generally not able to penetrate into the self armor, the belief in superiority, or a divine hand in the lives of the superstitious. Nor into the dankness of the nationalist, the traditionally ritualistic, or to the talented who become famous, or terribly powerful, influential, wealthy and rich.

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Yes belief like this is patheticā€¦and dangerous. But as long as the brain continues to harbor this image of a ā€˜me and mineā€™ which is pieced together throughout the past and is there in thought constantly, death of the body is a fearful unknown. In that void of the unknown future, no matter how fantastical, no matter how irrational, belief finds a welcome place.

Can this image, this center of darkness and division, dissolve? Or is the energy that holds it together too strong, too entrenched?

There is no part of us that is not conditioned - we are human all the way down - but maybe its possible to be conditioned to see what evil is, and recoil from it.

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Can we be conditioned to be nothing? Thatā€™s what it means to be without this ā€˜selfā€™? That is frightening.

No Nothing in a belief or an idea is merely the opposite of something where nothing becomes the sought value over being something. The two ideas are both false. We are not superior somethings or inferior nothings we are primarily animals with much more memory than other animals. .

Yes the analogy of a bottle of poison we will never drink from in our medicine cabinet can also be carried over to psychological poisoning. We can see that new conditioning is a trap, a slavish poisoning but maybe we do not see the old traps as a poisoning already in our brains from early conformity in childhood? That old psychological poisoning too needs to be erased in insightful light in awareness, not by thought or a new belief or anti belief but by intelligent action not egoic reaction. .

If we see what being the ā€œmost important somethingā€ implies.

One thing that it implies is that there will be an almost constant chance of suffering as things ā€˜go wrongā€™. And this ā€œimportant somethingā€ that I have somehow psychologically become, is all made up out of the past; the ā€˜Iā€™ is a relic of the past. Strutting about!

The most basic things it necessary implies would seem to be the following :

Its a lie/false/untrue - Am I more important than you? Am I more important than the forest or the ocean?
Statistically, if we take just other humans, of which there are 8 billion, there can be no more than1 most important person. So even if everyone feels like the most important person (because we all have human brains), theres a 7.999 billion to 1 chance of being wrong. (on the assumption that there is actually a most important person)


It is necessarily conflictual - My being the most important thing conflicts with your crazy idea that you are more important, or the rainforest is more important.

Being driven by lies and conflict may not be for the best.

The self-important ā€˜selfā€™ struts about like a turkey saying ā€˜let this happenā€™ā€¦ā€˜ā€™donā€™t let that happenā€ ā€¦ā€™this is good, this is badā€™, ā€œthis must be, this must not beā€, etcā€¦.alternating sadness with pleasure, anger with calm, hope with despair: ā€œa tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing.ā€

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Krishnamurti speaks of life - the life that each one of us is living - as a matter of beauty. Life and self are not synonymous! Macbeth in the Shakespeareā€™s play speaks of life ā€˜signifying nothingā€™. What Shakespeare writes is of a magnificent dramatism but life, according to Krishnamurti, must have a meaning for human beings to learn about, it is probably why human beings existā€¦ to give meaning to lifeā€¦

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Self becoming by accumulation of anything is a false positive because traditional memorial mechanical accumulation means in theory less mistakes in life? . Whereas inquiry has no false beliefs in accumulated memory making human beings mistake proof or nearer to a perfect ideal. does it to you? In fact in my experiences in life as an inquirer originally I was making more mistakes than one could really call successes from accumulated wisdom. Experimentation really means learning not expecting results. Expectations of success cloud every psychological experiment and make our lives much more difficult. Studying Krishnamurti to improve ourselves, or our status, or our reputations, is the precise opposite of self inquiry, wisdom and individual self discovery in life.

No one here can expect a K.F.A hierarchy to accept you unless you have lots of money In fact be prepared for them to believe their business, their organized corporate cults, and continued existence is more important than you as an individual or our burning planet, and warring world. You might be pointing out to them that the entire problem of every business plan, and pyramid scam on earth is a bad dividing unfair problem of those at the top feeling superior and those below being treated as lessors or inferiors. It is not just K.F.A. hierarchies are all organized falsely that way. That includes every national hierarchy, and traditional organized religion on earth and every banking, accounting and loaning scam of worthless paper money on earth and its increasing debt, while inflation devalues the money. We are not going to be popular as inquirers because mankind is not ready to really communicate about this total chaos of division we as mankind have invented. Ponder on these things for yourselves. Its a big club at the top of the scamming mud heaps,on this burning warring planet, and we are not in it my friends or we are not really inquirers. Inquiry is towards the new, not back to the old.