The famous scientist Albert Einstein freely told anyone who would listen that Nationalism was the psychological measles of all of mankind. Jiddu Krishnamurti said the thought is not the thing. I am saying thought is the thing if you are talking about thought together or alone, and not anything else thought is talking about, or pointing to, or talking about in a material world.
I am also saying Nationalism has mutated and mankind has not in 2025. Nationalism, cultism, tribalism, organized religion, communism, capitalism, socialism is presently the psychological incurable cancer infecting all of mankind in strange and bizarre ways that meet the scientific definition of insanity, when those things become extreme obsessions and mutate intro personal forms of violence supported individual megalomania.
This site might close but it is not closing on the truth and no site on earth can stop the living truth, the light of inquiry, from its freedom related pursuits, and natural course of mutating human beings, and evolving all of life to adapt to every condition whether it is manmade or a natural event. Adapt or die and only conditioning blocks all of mankind from evolving. Inquire or not only there is no Plan B program on earth, that has not already failed mankind and has not already been tried and failed those who followed any so called national; or religious traditional pattern.
There has never been a ritualistic program, in any organized pyramid scam that succeeded in producing one original whole undivided human being. Not in any organized ancient hierarchy, were members evolving in their own lives, and not in any allegedly modern new one revised out of the ashes of the old. There has never been a successful system of belief, and they all divided mankind from their own families, friends, and neighbors.
Divided bitterly in absolute conditioned disagreements, divisions, and chaotic inner confusion, and disharmony over conceptual inventions. They all have failed to evolve mankind. Ponder on these things for yourselves.War as the path to peace is the whole process of the most insane, leading mankind to the cliffs of our species eventual destruction. Following all the leaders, who do not know how wars start, and why, even promising to end them with brute force, weapons of mass destruction, mutually assured destruction is not a plan A or any path to being a great leader, or a path to peace. Goodby my old, and new friends. Ponder on these things for yourselves.