"The house Is on fire."

Thank you. That wasn’t clear. What dies along with the death of the physical brain is this accumulated ‘persona’ which he called the “bundle of memories”. What interested me was his saying somewhere that that death, the physical death has ‘already’ happened in the 'nowness of time…you, me, all this is already gone…so why not see about ‘letting’ that 'bundle go in this part of ‘now’ since it has already disappeared anyway!

That’s a good way of putting it. The awakened brain dies metaphorically by abandoning its conditioned mode of operation upon seeing its total effect. The only thing that dies is the illusion of a central authority.

Who or what would be “letting that bundle go”? There can be no agency or entity that does this letting go because that would be more of the same. The bundle goes when the whole brain is aware and cognizant of how it’s dividing, fragmenting itself.

The house is on fire for as long as it takes the brain to wake up to what it is doing.

Yes thank you,that’s what I meant!

Glad to be of service.

First, when the senses see a thing - let’s say a car - then the car is described as - ‘It looks Beautiful’. Immediately the brain reacts to that action and a thought arises that - ‘I will buy that car’. There ‘observer’ gets distinguished from what is ‘observed’ and the Observation ceases. Next the thought, in a form of ‘desire’, brings back the past accumulated memories and acts upon those memories and not on the observation.

But, when “The House is on fire” - our senses reacts to the Observation and not on the ‘Ego’. The reaction is, the senses search for water or fire extinguisher - which is the immediate response - the ‘Now’.

So, it’s obvious that ‘acting now is the right action’