The Conditioned Mind is the Prisoner of its Convictions

So adopt the scientific method in our search for truth.

We’re not searching for truth - we’re just acknowledging our limit and learning from our mistakes.

Why aren’t you searching for the truth?

The truth is unfolding now, as always, so what is there to search for? From where does one begin this search, and when does it end?

A conditioned mind is…a conditioned mind. I wonder if one sees how mechanical we are. We don’t necessarily see that we are conditioned in looking at a particular thought. It is more like an insigh into the all mechanical aspect of the mind, of our life, in our behaviour. One realise that our thoughts, our lives are mechanicals. It is a groundhog day. Until we break with that, there can be anything new.
And we will not find an answer here in this forum. We must have a very sensitive mind in taking a look at our daily life. Not in a discussion like it is happening in here. Reality is not in here. And by the way, asking for an end is thinking in term of time. And thought is the Prisoner of…time.

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Begin from wherever you are, end when you’ve found it or when your body/mind ends?

Searching for the truth is like trying to locate the nose on your face. If one is in denial about what actually is, the only search in progress is for a more plausible distortion of truth.

How do you know this? With what degree of certainty?

Can truth be anything but what is actually happening now? If it can, please explain.

I don’t know what truth is … or if it is. I know that the term ‘truth’ is a conceptual construct, but what it points to (if anything) is beyond my pay grade.

What do you think/know you understand about truth?

To me the truth is what actually is at this moment, which we perceive distortedly, untruthfully, according to our conditioning. We don’t love the truth - we love our version of it.

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How do you (we) know that there is anything that ‘actually is?’ Maybe it’s illusion (or nothing) all the way down? (If so, would you call this total nothing-illusion ‘what actually is?’)

A bit of reasoning and logic can actually be helpful here - I’m sure if you pause for a moment and look at what you’re asking, you can answer it yourself

I’ve been looking at this for decades. Still haven’t run into a truly satisfying answer. If you’ve got one, please share! :slight_smile:

My hypothesis is that for some people, imagination and confusion is on a par with simple facts and logic. If so, this is outside of my ability to address adequately.

But let me just ask : does it look like something is going on? If so, how can there be nothing going on?

If there is an appearance of something, there is at least an appearance of something.
Nothing is not equal to something.

Try holding your breath…


Mac and Inquiry, I’m familiar with the “If you believe existence is an illusion, stand in front of a bus and see how your theory holds up!” argument. To be honest, it doesn’t do much for me. I’m a two truths kinda guy: Relatively speaking, things exist more or less as we think they exist. Ultimately … all bets are off. ALL bets, including something as apparently self-evident as existence. I guess in this sense I am at odds with Krishnamurti’s worldview … or maybe not?

What do you mean? Hopefully you don’t mean that nothing exists. Surely ideas must make some kind of sense if we hope to communicate with each other?

This has not been demonstrated - it is a presupposition that is currently being challenged in psychology and physics.

Shame that neither can be demonstrated, and one “truth” demonstrably wrong.

I mean I do not think that I know anything on the ultimate level, as God might know something, absolutely. As far as communication goes, we do just fine on the relative level. It’s when we try to discuss absolutes that things get dicey!

I’m confused. Neither can be demonstrated, but one is demonstrably wrong? Help! :slight_smile:

Sorry, I mean to say that in the case of your “ultimate truth” (ie. nothing exists), nothing indicates that it might be so, and everything indicates that it is not.