The Conditioned Brain

When the brain that “created the closed system for its own security” questions the wisdom of choosing to do this, it inquires into how the system operates, how it did this to itself. Because inquiry is passive and not an attempt to change what it doesn’t understand, it has no interest in results. Inquiry is discovery for its own sake.

Is that the reason that nearly 30 years with K teaching one is in the same state with some minor partial insight now and then but of not of much consequence - especially when one is nearing the end.

Until/unless the conditioned brain realizes that any attempt to bring its condition to an end is futile, it doesn’t end until the brain is dead.

I’ll go with : Yes. or at least it needs to participate in the understanding and the action of transformation. Another actor is the heart.

The understanding includes the understanding that there shall be no other shore for me. It is a gift of love and forgiveness.

Yes, but it isn’t a problem the conditioned brain can solve because it can only believe or not believe that K is or is not the authority, or honestly admit that no one sounds more authoritative, in which case it’s stuck with K. Krishnamurti knew this was inevitable, but he couldn’t condone it by not reminding his audience of how limited they were.

The conditioned brain is conditioned to choose, so it can’t help but find an authority. If it was free not to choose, it wouldn’t need an authority.

He may be totally wrong. That’s what he’s saying. Otherwise we hang on to this or that idea of ‘his’. Doubt is important. Everything we have is secondhand. When he or anyone is the authority, we have something, someone to look to. We’re not alone if there is an authority. We can repeat his findings to ourself, become a ‘scholar’ and it’s comforting but they aren’t ours. When we really see that no one can ‘help’ us we come up against the ‘wall’, our wall.

For you to say this without qualification implies that you’ve “come up against the wall”, but your active presence here says otherwise.

I can believe that no one can help me when I’m not open to the possibility that anyone can help me when I’m receptive.

“My understanding of myself, of the history of my life as much as I can recollect, of the most significant and memorable moments in the development of my personality, all this about myself tells me that ‘my conditioning’ is a behavioral strategy of evasion I invented for myself long ago in reaction to a psychologically painful experience I suffered during childhood, a strategy I have continued to use to protect my ‘self’, as much as I can, from experiencing the feelings of guilt, fear, stress, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, ineptness, etc., etc., etc., that continue to arise in me from time to time as I confront the challenges of life, particularly those challenges involving interactions with people. I am aware that occasionally my conditioning has also made me act violently towards people in other ways, like wronging, harassing, hurting, and killing off people for no reason other than for my own pleasure or advantage. Clearly, ‘my conditioning’ has been the energy of my life – not that it matters.”

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Who are you quoting?

Yes brain did inquire without looking for result. And what it comes upon is fear.As an example when it saw what it had known for 45 years ,in a state of choceless awarness as a completely unknown ,it was gripped with fear and went back to its normal state of seeing because it ensures some security - familiarity.

So is this fear the root cause of brain’s resistance to come out of closed system. Is it possible to go beyond fear of the unknown and if so what is the key.

Yes, true that teaching as a concept / idea is like a sign post. But living the teaching result in fear of unknown.
So is it possible to go beyond fear of unknown and if so what could be the key.

Fear of the unknown actually means : desire to protect myself. (ie. we fear the unknown because of the potential danger to me)

So the question could also be stated thus : can there possibly be anything more important than me?

No I don’t think so. It is insufficient ‘watching’ perhaps. It is the watching of myself without judgement or condemnation that allows the brain to see through the illusion of thinker, observer, etc, the duality that has become normal for it. Also the resulting fear, suffering and conflict. “Eternal watching” K referred to it as. This constant watching would be ‘living the teaching’? Whether the brain can move away from, as Doug implied, the importance of being ‘me’…is not guaranteed….so ‘watching’ is the key?

If there is anything more important than me , then it could be only concept and ideas like love, compassion etc. So if truly there is anything more important than me, could be only unknown and this unknown creates fear, insecurity as stated in earlier post

When one looks around in a state of choice less awareness at objects around us, it is quite easy. But when looking in such a state at people known for years, one is shocked to see an unknown person - a stranger sitting across you .This what creates fear and then brain goes back to look from its past so called normal .
So the question boils down to - why security of the known has become extraordinarily important to the brain even when it sees that world of the known is full of suffering.

Were drugs involved in this experience?

Oh not at all. I do not even drink or smoke so question of drug does not arise at all. Have you not tried to look at known people from state of choice less awareness. For me it is a terrible experience.

That wouldn’t be ‘choice less awareness’ would it? Since you’ve already chosen who or what you’re going to ‘look at’?

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[quote=“danmcderm, post:37, topic:2538”]
That wouldn’t be ‘choice less awareness’ would it? Since you’ve already chosen who or what you’re going to ‘look at’?
[/quoteThe word choice less awareness means no choice as everyone understands here.
Is one really serious in looking at a question.

It’s your prison, so until/unless you know how it’s designed, built, and maintained, you’re serving a life sentence.

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Yes true. A prison created by brain for its own security by creating an entity as I / me to take care of insecurity.
Brain’s desire for security arises from fear ,is it not?

There two types of fear that brain faces. One fear originating from known - fear based on thought. This type of fear brain handles by using the entity I/ me as it is from field of the known.

The other fear is the fear of unknown - this fear not based on known / thought , brain is unable to handle so it escapes from it.

So only thing brain can do if not escape is to stay with that fear of/ from unknown.

So what will make brain to stay with that fear of / from unknown - to find out out what it all is.

Is it intense passion to inquiry / to find out what it is .

What trigers that passion or interest to find out.

Is it deep suffering , profound loss or profound experience etc.

Something is profoundly missing - what is that?
