The Conditioned Brain is Corrupt

Believing in angels as true is not actuality.
K: Repeating truth is a lie.

Dear @tnp - what do you mean by “Angels” ? Can you describe the image in your head for us?

If we imagine that you say an Angel = x.
And we agree that x does not exist (in our absence or apart from our imagination).
Is the conversation over at that point?

Or do we then have to imagine what was happenning in another’s brain in another place, at another time?

Please note the use of the word" probably "
But is also true that a conditioned brain may behave as an enlightened one.


What I’m asking is whether this speculation is useful. What do we gain from it?

I’m wondering whether this speculation is the usual movement of the known.
And if so what then?
What is the correct attitude that someone who has understood the teaching might have towards the movement of the known?

Angels are said to be living beings who protect some. K talked not only about angels protecting him but also seeing them.
But as of now they are not actuality for me so I will say I do not know.
K: Repeating a truth is lie.

“Living beings” exist. (I think we’ll all agree)

nb. I might stop with the angel discussion and let others who are interested respond to you on that subject.

PS. winged cherubs or other weird supernatural creatures called angels that are described in the Bible most certainly don’t exist - why and what K was doing talking about Angels, I don’t know.

PPS. Okay @tnp you got me going now :innocent: How about this definition : Angels are the manifestations of intelligence in the world.

Wasn’t Satan an angel at one point (prior to the pitchfork, tail and horns)?

What with my guardian angel fighting off devils trying to get my soul…it’s no wonder that I’m a wreck!

This is apparently an accurate portrayal of an Angel (as described in the BIble)


Yes. Satan was kicked out of Heaven because he didn’t like the way God created humans. God wanted them to be the innocent keepers of His zoo, which meant they could not be as enlightened as God and the angels, knowing good and bad.

So Satan, having been thrown down to earth, presented himself to Eve as a talking serpent telling her to disobey God by eating the fruit of The Tree of Knowledge, and be like God and the angels.

As we know now, God and the angels were as corrupt as we are, believing instead of perceiving.

Why then did He create humans that would eat the forbidden fruit and leave said fruit and humans unattended right next to each other?

Ah - seeing you’ve added the above, I’m supposing you’re calling “nincompoop”

Mommy…Douglas called God a nincompoop!!

Why do you suppose that? If anything, God is just like us: more concerned with where we stand and what we believe than anything else.

He wanted them to be obedient - never doubting or questioning their creator. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were expelled from Eden and condemned to miserable, meaningless lives.

It was to test their willingness to obey God. Had Satan not shown up, they wouldn’t have disobeyed God. But had God not kicked Satan out of Heaven down to Earth, there wouldn’t have been anyone to tempt Eve.

So what Genesis tells us is that Angels can question The Knowledge of Right and Wrong because it’s just dogma, and dogma amgod.

And he said: “madamimadam”.

What is that meaning according to you, if i may ask? Just curious.

May I ask you all something?

If you can not trust your brain at all due to its conditioning/corruption, being the creator of the thought that builds the lying self, do you trust any other brain, which according to most of you are exactly the same as yours?

That is: your father/mother, grandfather/grandmother, brother/sister, son/daughter, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, neighbor, scientist, school teacher, etc, etc?

Do you trust any of them?

I trust that they are humans like me, with brains like mine. Thus brains that are capable of confusion.

I trust that Uranus is no longer a planet (because scientists told me so)
I trust that my taxes are being used for something useful.
I trust that what I read on wikipedia is mostly accurate.

What are you trying to get at @fraggle ?

Because words have meanings.
I am presuming :

  1. that we are familar with the attributes of the Abrahamic God ie. all powerful, all knowing creator of everything.
  2. that we understand the implications of what we are saying.

For example

You’re describing the mind of god in a certain (unflattering) way - and saying that he wanted x, whilst the story shows Him doing everything to achieve the contrary - and getting very upset btw.

nb. Nothing indicates that the snake was Satan. The character and story of Satan is invented much later in a much later book.
My bet is that the snake is an older deity that people were familiar with at the time - and he’s being shown in a poor light in order to promote the new more powerful chief god Yahweh.

Does “capable of confusion” mean that those brains are not confused all the time?

I suppose we now have to define the confusion.

Because if the brain is always confused, the term “confused brain” loses its meaning somewhat.

Lets say that the human brain is bound by what it is. Human brains will only be capable of doing what human brains do. - they won’t be capable of doing some things that octopus brains can do, nor can they do what our stomachs do.

But there does seem to be a large gamut of possibilities open to the human brain : from being a gibbering mess to calm and clarity.

Why are you asking?