Annoyance and frustration is inevitable - I agree. What we are enquiring into is subtle, difficult to perceive and act upon, and so there are bound to be difficulties in sharing and communicating ourselves.
But just to be clear, I am not claiming to be different to anyone else on the forum. I may have a slightly different language or interest than other people here, but that’s a minor detail. I certainly don’t have any superior awareness or virtuousness than other people. I am in the same trap of conditioning, limitation, ordinary consciousness as you or another is. I get impatient, irritable, frustrated, just like everyone else. I’m not trying to justify being frustrated or annoyed, but I’m just saying something factual.
I would like to be ‘beyond’ irritation, anger, but I still get irritated and angry - often for the most petty reasons. So please don’t have an image of me that is higher or lower than anyone else here. We are all in the same boat - and my boat often has big holes in it.
Perhaps what is happening is that we are reaching the limits of what we can resolve by merely talking with each other, discussing, using thought. Not because you or I are at fault in a personal sense, but because we are using thought to communicate, and thought is always limited.
Thought is always incomplete, no matter what it does, and so we are constantly bumping up against the limits of our capacity to communicate, share, comprehend each other through our thinking.
This is why I feel awareness, observation, is important to explore, be open to, look at.
I feel that it is only by paying attention in daily life, looking, listening, being aware of my reactions and thoughts, that there is a possibility of finding out whether there can be a perception without thought.
This is the thing that really interests me - not having arguments about it, etc, but finding out whether or not the mind, my mind, is capable of putting aside thought completely to just look, perceive completely.
On the other thread DeNiro pointed to a discussion with Anderson in which Krishnamurti says that religion - the real meaning of religion - is to gather all one’s energy (mental, emotional, physical) to have total attention, because it is only in that state that we can have a perception of the whole.
It’s probably the case that in my passion or interest or focus or greed to discover, discuss, explore this quality of attention, I get frustrated when others do not share this question, or when others create what I perceive to be intellectual blocks to such a perception - which reveals that such a perception has become a mental goal for me, which creates conflict because it is opposed by other people’s mental goals.
All this is part of it, as far as I can see.