No. Thought is mechanical - it is not a living being, and only living beings are aware.
Either thought separates itself as an observer & looks or be aware of itself in which the observer is the observed.
Thought can’t do anything the brain doesn’t allow. It has no agency. It’s just a tool, a function of the brain conditioned to activate thought in accordance with the brain’s psychological contents.
There is technical thought. There is also psychological thought. When we say , ‘I am a great fellow’ or ’ Not great’ , it is thougyt that says it. When someone says you are a fool, what gets hurt? It is thought, right? So thought is alive. I mean psychological thought.
Psychological thought is life energy that has started moving in a pattern.
Thought articulates the brain’s conditioned reaction. It is the means, the tool by which the brain’s conditioning makes itself known to itself and others.
You cannot objectify thought. Thought is energy, You can understand it better by reading Bohm in dialogue with Oak Grove students. It is a process, it must work in a pattern when it is sane and it can get deranged and wane like a living process does.
I meant sense. Can it detect something & feed the brain?
Yes. Censoring is part of the activity of thought.
Brain , when it is considering something, it is thinking. So how is this activity dead? You are saying brains is alive & thinks but thought is dead.