
“Constant death and a new birth” is what the ‘now’ is. To be in the ‘succession’ (the unfolding) of the Now.

Life/Death… thought ‘pushed’ the two apart and inserted a “tale told by an idiot” between them.

All we can “know from K” is what he said, and what we think it means.

When Krishnamurti spoke of silence, emptiness, choiceless awareness, of the observer is the observed, the thinker is the thought, the seeing is the doing, and consciousness is its content, he spoke of things we neither know nor can imagine.

Why? We can imagine a lot of different stuff. And of course we can pursuit things - just what I meant by “desire to be”. Is it not so with you?

Why are you raising this point? Are we really concerned about bridging a gap? Surely, if we are in this space together, we do not need to raise such a hypothetical point, do we? There is no gap. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing or thinking.

Look, you say, ‘Wonderful!’ Is it merely that you are caught up in the excitement of a wonderful idea? Or we are facing something truly wonderful and new for which there are no guidelines or templates because there is no you or me to be bothered about such things.

You can’t imagine silence without being silent, and you can’t be silent because you are a stream of consciousness, i.e., continuous thought.

You can’t imagine emptiness because you are the content of consciousness, and you will continue as such until/unless the brain negates its psychological content.

You can’t imagine choiceless awareness because you are conditioned response, reaction to awareness, and the distortion it creates.

No. Of course I cannot imagine the things as they are. But I can imagine my images without any border or trouble

You can’t see how your images of what you can’t imagine are false and misleading?

If they are just my opinions, then I know that


Yes - I was happy with the idea that you were agreeing with something someone said.
I was happy for you.

I once knew a man who started all his sentences with the word “Non!” (he was French) - I hoped that he would one day be able to say “Oui!” - he never did. I may still be reacting from this traumatism from this sadness.

Which means that I am another idea, doesn’t it?

You are your idea of who you are; who you should/should-not-be.

The conditioned brain has no choice but to choose what to believe/disbelieve about itself and everything else.

What happens when there are no ideas at all? That was really the question.

As long as the stream of consciousness is streaming, there is always content and too little silence to break the spell of the known.

If you’re dishonest or deceitful enough to believe or have us believe that sustained silence is real for you, please go elsewhere with your mendacity.

You seem to have an instant answer, which one must assume comes from the same stream of consciousness. Therefore, why do you bother with an answer at all? You already know that it is worthless, by your own admission. You are merely giving voice to your own mendacity, never mind trying to foist it on to someone else.

So what happens when there are no ideas and no answers? What happens? This is not about what might or might not happen. What actually happens? To find out one has to live with it first, not just present excuses for not doing so.

Worthless to you and others who are less interested in self-knowledge than getting what they want.

You are merely giving voice to your own mendacity

What lie have I told? Which one of is speaking from a false (Indian) identity, Paul?

The name Inquiry - there it is!

So what happens when there are no ideas and no answers? Enquire into it now. Then everything false has come to an end, including you and I as two separate identities.

@Maheshji Are you aware that @Inquiry thinks that you are Paul Dimmock (who is a bit like Inquiry’s arch enemy) - have you ever addressed this?

And if not why not?

It doesn’t interest me. It was a bit weird to begin with but now I am used to it. I have offered to talk about it privately, but nothing came of that.

What happens when we stop operating through ideas? This is much more interesting.

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Such lovely drivel you spout.

Surely to maintain separate identities is far more destructive than anything else. So can we get past our judgements of one another? It becomes drivel when we decide on an answer in advance of the enquiry. Until then there is only the possibility of something else taking place.

It is fairly easy to drop our judgements, ideas, beliefs, opinions and answers temporarily. But what does it mean to live together in this space?