Our inner Order of the Star

It’s no longer supreme but it hasn’t abdicated, so I acknowledge its power without resentment or desire to overthrow it because it is I.

Yes, although what would be a useful tool would not be the initial intellectual understanding of “freedom from self / expectation”, which are nothing else than mere projections of thought after an insight into my-self, but the intellectual understanding of my-self.

No, there is no revulsion there, this responsibility has its own movement, which is not based on the revulsion of something. In other words, we are not talking about a responsibility that arises from thought, but a responsibility that arises from the attention and insight of the self.

To recapitulate, I am there listening to K talking about my-self, and because I am fully attentive I have a perception of my-self that I may never have had before. At that moment that responsibility we are talking about arises naturally and spontaneously as a product of attention and that insight of my-self.

Unfortunately, it disappears as soon as attention and perception of the self disappears. At that moment the self makes its own what that insight saw, and begins the whole process of the projection of a ‘supposed final reward if I do this or do that’ (that @DanMcD talked about in one of his posts), and the execution of what the thought thinks that responsibility should be, repudiating what it thinks should be repudiated (as you seem to say), in order to carry out a responsibility that in fact does not belong to it.

Remembering at that moment that there is no reward and no time up the road when it will come, can set that thinking straight

Dear @Inquiry, I sat with your statement for a bit and the question that came up was : why do we need this authority?

Whatever the reason this need to be subjugated by the known is deeply ingrained - but is it possible to see how sad and potentially damaging that is?

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Sorry that the word “revulsion” does not work for you - But maybe we can find another word by looking at what you say above.

When I am listening to K, I am carried by his words, they resonate with me, I feel a sense of responsibility - but later, left to my own devices, thought takes over again and starts making conclusions and strategies with what I have heard.

“Revulsion” (which is the wrong word) would be the “substance/force/spark” that makes us wary of our own thoughts and discrimination - like the revulsion when we recoil from a snake.

PS. Revulsion to harm is not something I can manufacture by will
PPS. Why is there no revulsion to harm?

Attending to myself in this moment: the way I’m sitting , thinking, scratching etc there is no place for judgement, revulsion…if there is judgement there will be attention to that… Here in the moment it’s always all, right in front of me: the heat the bird in the bath, the noise of the fan. I think of the idea that this is all ‘unfolding’, that each moment unfolds and that is what we call the ‘present’ as if there were ‘something’ else. And now nothing is as it was, it is a new ‘unfolding’ though the brain and its sense of time can’t see the changes that are taking place in everything.

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We see how sad and damaging it is for us to be subject to the known, and we acknowledge the need for us to go beyond, to the next dimension, so to speak.

Yes , not “hang back with the brutes”
-Tennessee Williams

Attachment generates jealousy which brings hate right away, actually jealousy is hate. This is what Krishnamurti says and you’ll find it in the book The Open Door.

Hi Fraggle. Sorry I’ve been a little slow in answering your question.

When I’m in conversation with someone, I am sometimes attentive and listening carefully to what the other person is saying. At other times, my level of attention can dip and I probably only half listen to what is being said. So my level of attention varies from moment to moment. I expect this is the case with most people. I do think that being attentive and listening carefully to people and things in a non-judgemental way is an important part of K’s teachings.

The situation you described in the quote does not really ring any bells with me. I mean, I can’t think of an example of being in conversation with someone who asks me to repeat what I had said before and me being unable to remember. If this has happened, I haven’t given any great importance to it, I suppose. Can I ask you why you asked this Fraggle?