Yes Ken was sharing so much information and humor about life not having just one source of wisdom, or spiritual knowledge for human beings to follow or believe in. Some really wise sayings about many non conditioned artists and wise human beings inquiring all over our burning warring planet. In his own way Ken saw the truth that many others have pointed out significant things about real silence, and the UNDOING of the societal produced self in learning the art of inquiry and not going to one human source in life for everything regardless of how much truth that source, that inquiring human being revealed to us in their own life. It is not that all wells, all human beings as inquirers, do not see that insightful wells sometimes go dry, like a bad day for a scientist, or athlete. Ponder on these things for yourselves.
See too it is the truth that learning human beings sometimes turn off their own insights and turn to the mechanical nature of thought for new technical inventions in the unknown fields of religion and spirituality that only insane human despots can organize people in and like the insane billionaires, and organizers in the Heritage foundation, and men like Vlad Putin, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. They all three represent, the spearhead movements, similar to ISIS, and the Taliban, and Ayatollahs in Iran that are all the most insane terrorist fundamentalist human beings on the planet. Much like HAMAS, ISIS, and the Taliban only more powerful. So supremely corrupted by power that they all have become the new Fascist leaders of Movements much like the NAZIās in PRE- world war II Germany, in their lives as well. All three are willing to or actually are committing genocide on their own fellow human beings all over the world. All three are involved with many criminals in their own nations in overtaxing their own poorer citizens and serving wealthy or insane extremists who are criminals like them. Meanwhile cutting taxes on the wealthy, and passing double standards in their own laws for, females, and the rich and the poor that serve the rich.
Meanwhile lying about serving many of the most insane wealthy oligarchs in their own nations to accrue great wealth and power. Nationalist cults like MAGA MIGA and MRGA are led by the most poisonous insane dishonest leaders. They are merely boys cults, and psychologically cancerous movements of the not educated rightly anti science masses, on planet earth today. Those three nations leaders left alone to their personal megalomania and greed for kingly power in life, can end most life on our planet. A certainty if they are not stopped. They are all certifiably insane human beings much worse than any single insane terrorist in life because of their seemingly absolute power to destroy all disagreements from anyone, in their own criminal like lives, accumulating great kingly powers in their own deteriorating nations. If that kingly power is not thwarted world war three or environmental destruction is imminent . Mankind in general is in deep trouble globally while only a tiny few are intentionally marching them down a path to their combined, nationalistic vile movements of organized mass suicide, and eventual planetary destruction, and possible extinction.