Nationalism is Glorified Tribalism

The study of government falls within the broader discipline of political science. I will be happy to engage you if you would pursue this in a private message. I have no issue with either your criticism or its tone but we need to be mindful of the decorum of this forum.

Thanks for the recommendation. I will research this book for further discussion.

Youā€™re not putting this above response as a private message why should I answer it in private? You are all over this forum putting up absurd, inaccurate knee-jerk responses to nearly everything others are posting here. Even after posting about the moderator contacting you you are still here spreading your confused, misleading, and misinformed propaganda all over this forum.


This response is completely irrelevant to the conversation on government.

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You keep on negating the existence of the ego on the basis of intellectual considerations. But you fail to see the reality of the ego, in yourself and in the world, and nationalism is just a manifestation of ego.
You are tring to justify nationalism negating the ego and this is just the outcome of your ego, of yourself.
You are putting yourself in a helpless situation.

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A great part of the people does not realize the madness of nationalism. Even people here in this forum.
It seems to me like the attitude a lot of poeple everywhere in the world have with covid 19. Simply they donā€™t see the danger. Human blindness is beyond immagination!

It seems that not untill they see the distruction and the atrocities committed in the name of the nation they keep on considering nationalism ā€œfineā€. We have had innumerable wars, the massacre of innocent people in concentrating camps, etc. and yet we still fall into the spell of those who preach nationalism. I wonder if those people have ever seen a film documentary of the atrocities committed by the nazism, and yet there is negationismā€¦

Nazionalism is not only a wrong politics but itā€™s a serious madness and a real idiocy. I come from a country - Italy - where fascism ruled for 20 years and I have heard first hand reports of all the ridiculous activities Mussolini imposed to our fellowcitizens. Nationalism brings disorder and fail to obtain just what it claims to reach.


Yes, Donato, what you wrote above is very true. I had the misfortune to have witnessed the bloodshed, the pointless destruction or war. I was drafted (forced into the US Army) and served as a rifleman in a recon unit in the Mekong Delta of South Vietnam.

Two million Vietnamese civilians died in that war, more than a million North Vietnamese soldiers, 200,000 South Vietnamese soldiers and 58,000 American troops. I personally knew more than 50 of those US Troops. I referred to them as ā€œfriendsā€.* Excellent young men who died for nothing. I saw what violence is up close and personal. It still hasnā€™t left me.

I want to say this about and to the Vietnamese; they are some of the nicest most intelligent people I have ever met. I wish them well and I apologize.

  • At least these are the official numbers. I have no way of verifying them.