If I’m not mistaken, K changed his definition of “individual” at some point. At first he was saying that “individual” meant “indivisable”, whole, and since we’re fragmented, we’re divisible, not individual. Then he decided to use individual according to common usage, meaning that every living thing is an individual at birth and throughout its life.
The self image considers itself to be an individual person. Though it actually is a structure put together by and maintained by thought. The brain has identified itself as this “bundle”. This is me, the observer. The brain has trapped itself and kept itself from going beyond this psychological situation. It can not ‘blossom’ because of fear.
If I´m not mistaken, K´s proposal is the brain to end this situation in order intelligence to be able of acting through it. Had the proposal been to go beyond, surely brain would accept it without problem. In fact, that´s what it is trying to do in spite of having been said that it can´t.
Yes, ending it by Intelligence ‘seeing’ through the self-image and its limiting effect on the brain’s potential. But the brain having identified itself with this image, equates the ending of it as death. Which it fears. So it’s stuck. Left with desires for freedom, for ‘becoming’ and trapped in the idea of a ‘time’ when it will come to pass.
Yes, this is what we spoke in another thread some time ago: K´s talks acting as a mirror or shedding light on it, enabling us to see which requires either some kind of faith/trust or the capacity of just listening but if we lack of both of them, isn´t it too a catch 22 situation? Then, we go out searching for someone who has listened in sites like this just to find out that nobody has, getting caught in the conditioning even more than before. When what it is supposed to be a help becomes the obstacle, it is time to leave, isn´t it? “Oh, do not be too hard with these people, they are ignorant.” Is it this the best we can do? To become the King of the ignorants? “Musings”, the title is very well put.
@Anonimity Do you feel that you have a sufficient understanding of K’s teachings, but for some reason have not experienced the transformation that you were expecting ? (and thus check on kinfonet to see if it is possible to spot some essential part of the teaching that you missed or maybe spot a transformed person by their words)
I was trying to come up with a similar question but I think Douglas covered it. I come here to hear other’s takes on this complicated situation. Very few people it seems are interested in any of this which is strange to me because it seems so important. Also my experience is that over time things change, deepen I would say. ‘Not-knowing’ arises more and more!
Maybe someone could produce animation that shows the brain’s predicament. It would illustrate how the brain has confused itself with the psychological thinking brought about by tribalism, i.e., replaced its original sense of being inseparable from nature with its acquired sense of being bound by tribal imperatives.
This is where we’re stuck. We’re so profoundly conditioned (by fear) to conform to what is believed to be factually true and morally correct that we’re not free to look at everything without these limitations.
I read a couple of books by K and B many years ago and then I completely forgot them till a few months ago I came across his talks and dialogues on youtube. The issue of the observer is the observed, as explained by K, has answered many of my questions and solved my doubts and misunderstandings arising as hearing other people to talk about awareness, focusing on awareness, meditation and so on. It may sound contradictory but I´m not interested in the issue of transformation, at least by now, but yes, I wanted to check the impact of these teachings on others, especially on those who have been following them for years and who even met JK personally (it seems that there are some of them commenting in this forum) , even though rather than having expectations I took a few things for granted. Mea culpa
What is the purpose of knowledge? What is knowledge? (same question twice)
Isn’t knowledge a point of view, a model of reality, whose sole raison d’etre is purpose?
I mean its sole purpose is its purpose. Knowledge exists as a means to an end - if it does not allow for accurate predictions or the fulfillment of its associated goal, it is broken and may/should be discarded (or it is held onto and is then termed delusional, dogmatic belief).
Crina, it sounds like you are saying that existence and awareness are so intertwined/interrelated that they really can’t be spoken of separately, like two aspects of the same underlying thing?
Or even lower, do we actually know IF anything is? Otoh, it seems like a ridiculous question, it’s utterly obvious and self-evident that things exist, right? (Right?!!) Otoh, I can’t think of any question that is more fundamental and elusive.
Is the human able to know truth?
And there is another, equally fundamental question, and a third: What is ‘truth’?
Words like Truth are maybe a bit too big, scary and triggering. So how about if we consider what I know, for example : if I know that Trump is a great man, and our only hope to MAGA. Surely this is merely an opinion, and a tiny, tiny part of whats going on - but is it possible to see more than my opinion?
Why? Why does what I am considering seem so fundamental?
And, à propos : why does the definition of existence currently seem so crucial?