Is there a non-conceptual presence of self?

Same root? - Could you elaborate the root?

I see the root of anger is - forcing someone to accept something (or) couldn’t digest what others say
I see the root of compassion is - “Oh my god - why they are deluding themselves or ignorant - We are one psychologically - and it’s my responsibility to show their ignorance” - and stepping front and show them.

Please show me the same root - if I am wrong?

That’s your image of yourself. But that is not your responsibility. Your only responsibility is to reveal to yourself your own ignorance. When you say, ‘We are one psychologically,’ that’s the central image that has created all these other images about yourself and about others. You have placed this concept at the centre of your life. But you have never tried living without any concept at all.

Really Paul?. If so - then who and all revealed their ignorance themselves - should not open their mouth - and just sit quiet?

Should not come out to show others? - So everyone like K,Krishna,Jesus,etc… - had wronged themselves? They had only ‘image’ of compassion? They should have sit like sages - in state of Samadhi by shutting everything. Isn’t it?

Oh god - You are unbelievable. Could you elaborate this more?


See - again I’m saying - If you couldn’t digest what I say - Say openly that “I won’t like to hear from you - so please stop replying”. I will just stop.

But when I show something what I see (which may be wrong too) - you just turn the wheel on - start accusing others with ‘words’. Could you see this play Paul?

If I’m wrong - Say that “You are wrong Viswa and stop showing me”. But how could you say - “it is not my responsibility to show and my only responsibility to reveal only my ignorance?”.

Again - these are not ‘accusations’ - but showing you how you are escaping from 'what-is- and deluding yourselves.

If I’m wrong - Just a statement like others saying - “You are wrong - Get lost”.

Then how could you feel/conclude that - I’m only speaking through concepts? Could you please show me that? So I can learn - I’m deluding myself.

Why I say we are psychologically one - is not parroting K. See, this world and universe going to die/disappear one day - and what there remains actually at that time - is ‘subtle’ and nothing more. At that time - We are one - and it is the actuality. It is the same now too - but because of duality we are in Ignorance. Just a shadow between me and you - which is nothing but - ‘self’/‘ego’/‘viswa’/‘Paul’. The only thing one has to do is - to look at ‘me’/‘thoughts’/‘past’ wholly. Look at Ignorance. In this very seeing - total shadow disappears. Total Snake disappears. We don’t have to investigate “What is thought, what is me/this/that/etc…” Those are just words/description expressed by looking it. Again this is not a concept/parroting from Scriptures,etc… I could feel it - but everyone throws me away - I don’t know why - and so I ask you - could you please show me?

You have never tried living without any concept at all. So try it. Follow your own advice and spend a whole week at it. Then come back and tell me what you think.

There is no own advice at all Paul. K is wrong. Everything is said already.

Just a creative thinking - but actually same as said in Scriptures. They had read those scriptures and deviated with some words - that’s all. Ramana Maharshi,K,Buddha - everyone read scriptures. They got real knowledge. But as they couldn’t get right guru - they said “What they feel is different from what is said in Upanishads”. But it is just misunderstanding - because of traditional practices of Brahmins.

What K said, What Buddha said - is nothing but what is said in Upanishads. It is there already. Only words change. What is expressed is same.

Only if I come up with new words - it is ‘truth’? :joy: :joy:

Charge = unresolved experience? I wonder. I see what you are saying, but I am question whether that charge is only an unresolved experience. Or the charge is the carried meaning, a big meaning was it or small. A meaning of the outside or the inside, it is a still a meaning that is internalized. And in that sense, meaning drags to more meanings.

In that, attendance is total. And less energy is spent in differentiating between what is unresolved and resolved.

There are no new words, just new expressions of old ideas. Earlier on you asked me to try something: ‘Just go for a walk and watch what your mind says.’ Are you willing to follow your own advice and take a week to find out if you can live without any central concept of life, whether it is an idea of life as one consciousness or as an expression of whatever else you may have read in some scriptures?

This is nothing and same as - “Looking at ‘me’/‘ignorance’/‘thoughts’/etc…” Paul.

It is not a new thing - it is already said. I already looked - and only then - I had seen - what this Ignorance is.

What you are saying about taking a week - I already looked and seen the ‘ignorance’. Then why again you are saying to watch your mind - I don’t know why.

So, to ‘practice’ or ‘choice-less aware’ whenever ‘ignorance’ arises - is what I’m doing.

Everything - there is ‘Actual Knowledge’ and ‘Practice’. ‘Actual Knowledge’ is not full eradication of ignorance - but practicing it for years - only then there is enlightenment.

Even when we felt ‘truth’ - this ignorance keeps on arising. So, to not get deluded that “I am- enlightened” - like how K felt in 1920s, is that we have to neglect that “It is not truth” and keep on practicing - till no fall into ignorance happens at all.

There is not at all immediate enlightenment of ‘actual knowledge’. ‘practice’ or ‘hold on’ or ‘choiceless awareness’ is must for years.

This ‘Practice’ is the thing - which is said in different forms like “Surrendering/meditating in form of name/mantra/deity” - just a thing - to hold on to the ‘actual knowledge’ - and to not fall to ‘ignorance’.

This is all misunderstood by K,Buddha,others.

They had also read these scriptures - and only because of reading them - they started to inquire - and got the ‘actual knowledge’ even without ‘guru’. Buddha,Ramana Maharshi,Adhi Shankaracharya,Vivekhananda,Shirdi Sai Baba,etc… - practiced ‘Detachment/penance’ in his life - and actually enlightened. But K didn’t. K deluded himself that “I am truth” - because of a glimpse of truth - but fell down to ‘self’ later.

K had got ‘actual knowledge’ through inquiry. Hats off to him. Only because of him - I too see that ‘actual knowledge’ - he is a form of ‘actual guru’ to me. But, he failed to ‘hold on’/‘practice’.

The ‘actual knowledge’ can be seen easily - by just seriously looking at ‘me’/‘ignorance’/‘etc’… Those knowledge then described in words - as ‘Upanishads,Yoga Vashistam,Advaita Vedanta,Who Am I,Srimad Bhagavatham,Bhagavat Gita,Buddhist scriptures,etc…’. But the ‘truth’ cannot be described in words. It cannot be inquired as it is unlimited. It can only be felt - when the ‘ignorance’/‘limitedness’ disappears. But that feeling is not enlightenment. To practice by controlling senses by surrendering/devoting/meditating - and one day - there will be enlightenment.

You say or do something to hurt me; I store that hurt as a memory; and I now have an image of you. So I have set the charge for a future reaction; the triggers are all in place. But what is it that got hurt? That is the unresolved part.

Let’s look at this simple example and work it out.

Okay, maybe I am starting to see what is happening.

We have dwelt in that already, many times over. That’s when I said: Let’s not go back and talk over what we passed already.

So now, I don’t know any of that. I know nothing. I don’t even know what hurt is.
I am aware that I carry the past, which expresses itself if not all the time, then from time to time.

Not using the senses, it is one with the sense when it is present.

That’s all we are saying: ‘I don’t know what hurt is.’ Stick to that one fact. Then will we ever say, ‘I have been hurt’? I know when the body is hurt because the senses tell me and I can act on the hurt, finding the source of the pain. Psychologically, there is only the past. I cannot act on the past. And therefore when the past expresses itself in the present, it is as something totally unknown. This is the happening.

It seems that we are meeting, but I am still undergoing resistance of seizing to challenge what is being said. Plz, bare with me.

Am I, here, trying to manage this entity, or free it from its own?

As I am now, I can’t, factually, differentiate between psychological pain and the physical. This is one of the main, if not the only, reasons I call it pain in the first place.

No, there is pain only when there is a physical cause. When I get insulted from across the street or interrupted in a dialogue, that’s a happening. It is one human being contacting another human being. How am I meeting this happening, this contact? Is it simply that I am waiting to be hurt? Is this why I call it pain? In other words, while I am waiting to be hurt I am primed and ready to recognise insult and interruption as pain.

Although you say that factually I can’t differentiate between physical and psychological pain, that’s not true. Actually I can. Looking at it now, calmly and clearly, I can see that there is pain only when there is a direct physical cause either from something that has come into contact with the body or from some dysfunction within the bodily structure. That is pain.

Anything else is a happening, which, although I may be accustomed to calling it ‘pain’, I am now beginning to see that it cannot be pain. What comes from the past cannot be pain; what responds from the past cannot be pain. I am starting to see that there can never actually be psychological pain at all.

A while back not sure it was this thread, I described having a memory of the way I acted in a certain situation out of ‘jealousy’ and the reaction to the memory was a strong feeling of ‘humiliation’. It ‘hurt’ to see myself like that and it could be seen that that feeling of ‘diminishment, smallness, (nothingness?) was covered over by this veneer of my self. You asked who I was presenting this "sham’ ,as I called it,to. To the world, to everyone, to myself. But the humiliation broke through it all, broke it down for a short time. It was interesting that ‘humility’ came out of it rather than creating a stronger defense.

But maybe I wouldn’t call it ‘pain’ more a feeling of being ‘exposed’. That the whole ‘me’ thing was a sham.

Here I am, standing where a few of us fellow humans only dreamt of standing. Is this the badge I was so looking forward to have? Is this, so called, realization going to be the new me covering my eyes from seeing that which I am calling ‘not pain’?

How important is it, to be sure that which I called as ‘Pain’ in the past is actually not pain at all?

Then look without seeing. That is what I am asking you to do. Can you look at the world around you for a whole week without seeing a single concept?

Looking into ‘ignorance’ as a whole - for once - gives total awareness. Again no need to look at whole - but whenever ignorance arises - then there awareness acts as a looking - and ignorance disappears. This is not only just a week - but for whole life.

I looked already Paul - do you want me to share all those? From tribal life to this modern - not in words of concepts - I’m ready to share those.

Everything in this Universe - is bound to concepts Paul. The earth rotates and revolves around the sun - has a concept in it. The electrons revolving around the nucleus has a concept in it. Everything which is limited - has a concept in it. Until we see every concepts - we cannot come out of this limited nature. We cannot pretend to live as ‘truth/now’. We have to look at every concepts,every views - and only then total ‘ignorance’ wipes out.

This is something we can’t know. It is something we cannot file away. When we hold on to what we have found, we destroy it; and it destroys us; for we are merely holding on to a part of ourselves that has suddenly come alive.

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You will only be sharing what you have found. There is something far more important than that, which is to share in this together at the same time, looking together, thinking together, free from everything we have ever found.

That’s enough for now.