Nice question, but I do not have any definite answer for this question. I see that fearing takes place in a person’s life for many different reasons in the different situations. I personally did not remember, questioning part in such situations and all I did was just going with flow. In the present thread, there was a statement that “brain dominated by fear look for an answer”. Is it possible to feel the question in the state of emotions?
Strong emotions definitely perturb the mind. They’re like screaming voices: “Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!” It’s hard to focus on anything but them.
This happens to many people at some point in his/her life. I see that, it is better not attempt for an answer to any question in such states, and remain silent for a while such that emotions will dissipate naturally.
The idea of a train that travels through whatever/wherever it finds itself, neither reacting or resisting what it passes through or crashes into is an interesting idea…neither fantasy or nightmare but just acknowledgement of what can’t be anything else.
Let’s say I could answer a Big Question definitively, unconditionally … would I want to?
It might sound like a no-brainer: Of course I would!
The truth is, if Understanding (with a capital U) knocked on my door, I think I’d greet It, thank It for the kind offer, and bid It a fond adieu. What fun is it to find X when your passion is in the looking?
Lets be clear @sivaram if there is no desire for an answer to the question/escape from the problem - then our attention simply moves on to whatever.
It is this desire, the suffering, the itch that is essential if we want to know what we are.
If I don’t scratch the itch, I will die. Is this true? For you to find out there must first be the unbearable itch, the exigent need for an answer/escape.
However, if there is an even more unbearable need to see who you are; then in that moment a new you is born with the realisation that the old you never was. (Weird right?)
Next to freedom and understanding, scratching an itch is insignificant.
PS. Maybe a bit of logic to temper the weirdness : the you that needs to escape and the you that is ready to die cannot exist at the same time.
Thought might be limited, but so might the universe. Even if thought is all we have (which I doubt), what we have in thought is … huge, and for most of us, nowhere near fully developed.
I have killed the unkillable bosses in the WWII nazi zombie survival in online collaborative mode with total strangers and noobs! (soory, I lie, they weren’t really noobs)
I am one of the worlds biggest fans of American Idol (and the French version : la Nouvelle Star)
I have seen all the MCU movies several times, and discretely shed a tear every time.
Only a drooling nitwit could surpass my mundanity. (wave 54 on Shadows of evil is a 3 hour sitting I reckon)
There was a moment in my life where the mischief making of fear and desire (I give up referring to the whole movement of self as fear - it obviously confuses people) led me to a sombre place - and the mischief of fear and pleasure was no longer tenable. (luckily K’s teachings had been a part of my conditioning from a young age)
Always look both ways if you can. Of course, sometimes we need a laser, sometimes we take the blinders off the horse.
PS - re mundane vs sublime (in case anyone’s wondering) :
Silence is not the absence of noise, it is freedom from meaning and significance.
Freedom is not the absence of Xbox, Celine Dion and dog-poop, it is the joy of a free ride with all our friends on the magic roundabout and the perfume of dog-poop.
But then why is discovering the truth or falseness of things insignificant?
Aha! Was the sombre place also part of your conditioning? In other words, if a different person had reached the same(ish) place, would it have had the same(ish) effect?