Is the self anything but fear?

Only a madman will jump into the void - a healthy self recoils from certain death.

Seeing, listening, isn’t ‘jumping’ is it? The “void” is an invention of thought trying vainly to imagine what might be beyond itself. We don’t know. It is unknown.

True, true, maybe I should have said “allow themselves to fall”.

Maybe a bad choice/loaded word then (like comparing reality to emptiness instead of suchness) - I like void because I see it as “void of me” ( a me shaped hole? :rofl:) - a place where I am not must seem pretty empty for a healthy sense of self?

And scary, that’s what ‘thought IS fear’ means doesn’t it?

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Suffering drives us to a large extent, subtly to dramatically. If your goal is to enjoy, understanding how suffering manifests and works is really important.

I might not have put the question here, now, but it’s been with me for a long time. What matters? There have been many answers, but none that I could point to and say: That’s IT!

If your goal is an escape from suffering (aka the movement of self) this is just the exigence of fear.

Desire for comfort is fear of discomfort.

The best response would be Valium without the side effects.

However, if you really want to understand suffering, you must see the totality of the movement which includes the goal of enjoyment. You must see that the goal of enjoyment is the suffering.

But despite your experience you still believe that IT is an answer. (The most wonderful and bestest answer of course)

@nobody cleverness and imagination, great as they are as motors for the recycling and progress of culture - can actually be an added difficulty when it comes to psychological death/choiceless awareness/freedom from thought - also freedom of thought is not the same as freedom from thought.

Thought IS suffering when it projects a ‘time’ when an “IT” may be found, no?

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I don’t know if there’s an IT to get. If there is I don’t know what IT might be. I envision it as a kind of master key that unlocks the door to understanding.


Yes, it’s all part of the puzzle. (I’ll add that to my IT list.)

Thinking that you are on a viable path to IT can feel very very good.

That’s the only thing the ass can look forward to, is to ‘one day’ catch up with that damn carrot :carrot:

Hee-haw baybey! :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: The Questioning Mind

What is that “IT”, in the present conversation? I really do not know what it is but four members said something about “IT” in the present thread.

Don’t worry @sivaram we don’t know what IT is either

Sounds good.

“I get it!” means I understand whatever ‘it’ is fully, I grok it. When I talk about getting IT I mean understanding the nature of reality.


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