Is Krishnamurti unique?

Ks’ summation of his teaching was ‘observe yourself, understand yourself, go beyond’.

I seriously wonder why mankind spends its whole life discussing ad infinitum whether this or that person told the truth or not, constructing thousands of theories about it which are then transformed into books written by self-styled shepherds capable of guiding the flock of ignorant people who have been made to believe that they need interpreters to know the truth, instead of sending all those interpreters to the trash and trying to find out for themselves the truth or falsity of what was said.

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Take K’s statement: “You are the world”…how do I find out for myself if that is an actual fact and not some just poetic idea? If it is a fact, it is very important for us to see. Because if we are the world and the world is us and we see that, that is the end of conflict. Very important for humanity to see that obviously. But how do I find out if it’s true? I believe that he saw it but of course I can’t know that. Intellectually it makes sense to me but that is as far as it goes…I did have when I recently read about this again, what I would call a flash of ‘insight’ into the truth of it, but ‘wishful thinking’ might have had something to do with that. So maybe to answer your question of why we are attracted to ‘interpreters’, perhaps we are are hoping that different words will trigger the insight or the perception that we ACTUALLY are the world and that our present idea of what we are is just an unfortunate illusion!

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I think this is what motivates us to take Krishnamurti seriously.

There is no way, no technique to go beyond thought (words, images, stories, explanations} and beyond emotions (fear, desire, greed, anger, envy, etc.). There is nothing to do but care enough to be acutely aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior, for no other reason than to find out what one is actually doing.

Then, it seems to me, self-knowledge is not a matter of time but a matter of how serious one is about knowing what self is.

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