Is it possible to live entirely without fear?

Dying is now. But you are putting it off.

It’s your image…

I need to be sensitive to my ego buying satisfaction for itself telling an other something in a way that naturally lacks compassion, since I have none, nor any genuine clarity, as I only deal in ideas.

Am I listening? Am I listening carefully to what the other is telling me, and am I listening carefully to what I am telling them, why I am telling them it, and the way in which I am telling them?

Because you won’t meet me. What am I to do?

Why? The ego is a totally artificial structure. It will tell me anything I want to hear. When we put death far off into the future it will remain a problem forever and generate a lifetime of fear. This is how the ego guarantees its own continuity. Death is not an experience; therefore the only way that the ego can assimilate death is to mould it into the experience of fear. Through its experiences of pain and pleasure the ego continues. Can the ego die at this very moment? Then the whole problem is solved and we don’t have to summon up any notions of compassion and clarity.

Has the ego died here with me? Have I seen fear in its entirety at a depth, both conscious and unconscious, not to end it, but to see what it is? And when I have not, and it is still operating, am I then using the thought of myself being technically correct to effectively throw other under the bus? Do I speak to other as I do because I am fully able to walk with them on this, or because I need to bolster myself at their expense out of fear?

No, that’s the wrong question. Can the ego come to an end right now? That means it doesn’t use time to solve this problem of death. Physical death may be painless or painful; but all the thinking in the world won’t change that. If I am to have a painful death, too bad. Either way, I am going to lose everything that has been put together as the ‘me’; that entire edifice will crumble. So can it come to an end right now, without waiting in fear for that inevitable destruction? As we live now, we are waiting in fear; and where there is fear there can be no joy in living.

So having deployed all this clever thinking in the service of myself has my ego died? or is my response entirely from that ego which merely uses all this to excuse and justify itself?

You won’t get an honest answer. That is why it is a wrong question. It doesn’t require any thinking, clever or stupid, to see the danger of the ego.

But this is just a deflection. Has the ego died, yes or no? and if it has why is this the response? Given the ego has not died, its nature is no excuse or justification for anything here, and the question of a response made from fear is still here.

Dying is now. That’s a direct statement. If you would rather make it all about some abstract issue of personality, that’s up to you.

But this is a further deflection. The ego has died so why am I responding to others in the way I am here. Why am I constantly deflecting and unable to walk with others here? The ego has not died, then what part is fear playing in my own responses to others here?

What on earth are you talking about? Why are you saying the ego has died or not died? How can something die that already has no trace of life within it? You are approaching this from the wrong way round.

You had asked: Can the ego come to an end right now? So come to an end or die can easily be understood. So the question still stands, the ego has come to an end, why am I making the responses I make to others here in the manner I make them, or the ego has not come to an end, so what part does fear that my ego is play in making those responses?

Yes. Right now. Not tomorrow or yesterday; not an hour later or a few minutes ago. Is there any image right now standing between us? That image is the ego. If you must form an image, go ahead; but then we shall never walk together.

A simple question has been put about fear driving my responses to others here which could have been met several exchanges back but hasn’t. Self has no real compassion, no true love, and no authentic living, but that cannot be used to justify preying on others here as the price fear demands for my own security.

Is there any image right now? You are avoiding the question. Meet it head on and we can get to the truth of the matter. But when you phrase everything so obliquely, it is impossible to move without creating further confusion.

I don’t have a single image about you; I don’t know who you are. Do you have an image of me? That’s all I am asking.

A question as you well know has already been put. Self can exhibit sociopathy right? it can happen that way. And I can endlessly utilise, indeed weaponise, notions of image, memory, past in the service of myself and its defence right? That is all possible, and is hardly impossible is it?

Do you have an image of me? Is that whom you are meeting here?

Listening can be at any moment and is not under anyone’s command and control. These attempts by the ego to engineer events where it can control what can happen and in what order are to do with fear.