It is good to ask questions and to ask about is it really helpful to strive to live conflict free. Good to see both sides of the equation.
When i decided to post/reply to this topic, I was referring mainly to the online forum and the conflict here. I have read several of your posts where you mention you have always seen or experienced conflict on all Krishnamurti forums.
So that is what I was really exploring and going into. Is there a place for conflict on these forums, is it helpful, can we learn from it? And even more so, what happens when we are in conflict and this conflict cannot be resolved? When one participant wont even listen to the other or thinks they know but the other doesnt, what then? Does that kind of conflict lead to insights and intimacy? I am sure you must have experienced this firsthand if you have been on lots of Krishnamurti forums.
BTW I am not in conflict with you for questioning conflict