
Ok! Now let me ask you something: is what has been said above an actuality or a “should be” for the person who said it?

Let’s look at it…

The other day, after I asked if our conversation had ended with what you had said in your previous post, you said…

Sorry I’m over reacting, because this question comes up again and again, often deflecting us from what is being looked at.

Now, did that insight have the power to totally free you from the process of overreacting? If not, what happens when an overreaction comes back after you have had such a insight?

You say that…

Now, when the overreaction comes back after having had an insight, isn’t there a kind of struggle between thought, wanting to regain its power and influence, and awareness? A kind of struggle that has nothing to do with “the usual conflicting movement of the self, in its usual struggle between what is and what should be” that you mention? :thinking:

Becoming angry with someone over some small thing feels petty and weak. That feeling makes me want to ‘get over it’….to substitute that feeling for one in which I am happier ie. ‘More myself’. But isn’t the ‘transformation’ in staying with that feeling of ‘anger / pettiness’? Not to make it ‘go away’ but to know it as it is? Accurately? (Done with care)

Watching someone else in a similar state I can see that they are probably going through the same pattern of conditioning.

The conditioning which is to NOT see the “jewel”-like quality of the sensation being experienced.