How to produce extraordinary chaos

The extraordinary circumstances of individual human Duality cannot be resolved by part of the mind trying to change the rest of the mind to accept a chain or pattern of beliefs from the past. These childish appeasements, and sublimation to false invented deities in the form beliefs to become good obeying masses to bigots hypocrites and despots, that enslave the individual to a life of self hypnosis by trying to live and behave in life trying to fight evil just as the ancient cave men defined evil as not thinking, and believing in gods, and demons, and sinning like them. Just as the barbarous crude monsters, the allegedly royal monsters, and insane tribal beasts, taught their children to live and think and fight.

All according to their perverse and divisive traditions, and beliefs. This absolute taught ignorance on earth by all of them as the right way to live is merely a form of certifiable psychological insanity. The psychological Chains passed on and down by every major religion on earth has failed all of mankind for thousands of years but not because they are evil but because they absolutely cannot work to evolve the human brain of mankind or dissolve the individual self importance they all maintain and strengthen by teaching false hope and false faith to young people and their parents and a belief in only their saviors prophets and gods. Believing them to be the only legitimate real gods. Saying that all others are false gods. Their insane authorities at the top of their Ponzi like, pyramid scams claim all other masses are teaching, false programming to others. All of them teach and preach division perpetually in continuity.

All try to talk others into believing they are sane and into believing and preaching, and trumpeting, and beating their own self centered drums. Teaching imitation, financial support of them, and the repeating of only their cults interpretations , in their peculiar languages, that all of their original traditional divisive fictional children’s books generally went on about. Passing them on and on and down, perpetually over and over for thousands of years without ever helping mankind mature, or evolve or learn for themselves. Can you see that too? They never teach anyone how to come into a direct relationship with life itself because they cannot do that either.

With most spending their life trying to come into contact with their perverse invented egotistical super beings, and ancient royal families. All with their alleged covenants, beliefs, traditions, and their invented saints, saviors, and gods. How can anyone believe one of these ancient religions or ideologies that build pyramids of power must have gotten it right about life, and the human mind, and brain themselves? How could anyone believe that looking at the mankind divided, overheating warring world produced by the mass insanity of believing in anyone’s ancient invented barbarous mindset on earth? Ponder on these things for yourselves.



We are an image chasing images - and the image of happiness always out of reach - and after many years the body dies - leaving behind a trail of pain.

This we call meaning.

Yes this we call meaning. When we hear things said like nobody got it. Or K. was wrong. Generally all those people mean one of two things. No one became immediately enlightened, or no one really saw the meaningless ways we are all living by living in the past without a renewing that can never come from fixed thought and thinking or trying. Many see that all chaos comes from the expectations of conditioned thought. In other words nobody got it, is from the fact that nothing gotten from organized thought has real meaning psychologically that can produce order in the masses or produce creative human beings .

Psychologically there was never anything to get from the teachings and only things to not true, or works to produce real social order in all conditioned thinking. There is and was nothing to get or working to make us whole or produce cooperation and order in our overheating, polluted by power seeking and greed, divided up warring, dying world.The idea that we can find something that works in thought ideologically and organize it to save the world is doubtful ?

Something ideologically that divides that we can teach it to the masses as a cult? That is just another pyramid scam, that will never work on earth to create order in all the extreme forms of belief and conditioning that produced most all this true believers insanity, and disorder on earth. Organizing destroys the truth.

Nobody dependent on .their thought to save the world, got anything from any organization on earth. .Ideology itself the passing on and down all the inner and outer duality as pure insanity defending insanity and more division on earth as long as we are looking to anything .invented by thought to save our species, nations, or religions. We are trying by spreading more absolute insanity. There is nothing to get except the intelligent perception that inquiry and learning stops, redirects thought dishonestly as conditioning when any Hierarchy, or authoritarian regime thinks it and its citizens should flourish while others suffer from their excesses? Meanwhile the rest of humanity dies because of that nations own pyramid scam, and infantile excesses by their extremely wealthy. Ancient true believers thought, is the father of division and the fact that nothing spawned by real superstitious lying, barbarous genocidal monsters, and royal affluent pompous criminals giving, passing down their power to ignorant spoiled children like them works out well for our dying earth. .

That legacy of ignorance, will never work, as a pyramid scam to help our dying earth. Do you think it will? Does anyone need to believe a truth or fact? How do we get that or build a better mousetrap for all thought than any nation or religious movement founded on tradition and division? can we? What, where how when is there in thought to get anything new from all that insanity? Ponder on these things for yourselves.

No fundamental religious solution to human problems was ever the living awareness or solution to living a life of perception inquiring, and never concluding in a fixed rigid field of thought. Conceptual thought that insists on inventing a permanent harsh pattern of imitative behavioral truth. Invented truth that the masses should all conform to and follow about a living, or dead invented god. Or any ancient gods in books never heard from since their conceptual birth.

Saviors prophets, saints and raping angels. Insane scribes laid down their egotistical masters desires, to invent bigoted dogmatic divisive hateful rules for mankind to live by. Rules that believing in them causes, the very fundamental problems they promise to solve in the world. A perverse fundamental divide, that invented a divisive traditional religion. A religion whose rules, sins, and laws they; true believers are supposed to all live by.

A pyramid scam they are organized to finance, defend violently with their sacrificed lives and pass on and down to their children to finance preachers and priests, that forgive their sins, support their tyrannical wealthy at the top of their scamming pyramids of power who all live more affluent kept lives than the general public themselves… Teaching them the rules to imitate, conform to, not doubt and obey as fundamentalists, with answers that are not true, for themselves for their entire lives. Ponder on these things for yourselves

May be an image of 9 people

Forever destined to turn words about living awareness into rules to imitate and obey?

Yes nothing spoken about or defined or asserted or described is the thing. We are not talking about anything that is the thing we are pointing to or coming close to in order to look and see the thing. We, our government are like the the settlers circling their wagons to defend from the people whose lands we are stealing, when it comes to avoiding the thing. We are defending ideas, and organized by those who are killing, stealing, plotting, planning for a future for those ideas, and pretending to be self righteous murderers for the right causes leading us. Sorry for the length of time this post took it is not intended as a debate or anything meant to agree or contradict anything anyone has said in the meantime…

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How? If it’s an actual question, the answer is "Never look into or try to uderstand the ignorance of human conditions that is, starting with myself, knowing nothing of this “I” person and blindly carry on!

As K said, “If you don’t understand yourself, you have no base knowldge, to talk about anything else.” But we all do talking about things we know not a thing about even without this “basal knowledge”…

Once I noticed a woman on a Facebook page advising her followers of thousands, “Understand yourself.”
Just for fun… I asked her, “So, who and what are you?”

She replied, “I am my name and what I can do.” And she had many incredible ability and knowledge, to put on her resume. She, a human being, is nothing but her passport and resume? In her handbag?
But she is, with her numerous followers, one of enormous contributers in messing up the world and plunge it into chaos.

Those thousands of people plus one, know nothing about themselves, but talks about everything in great deal!.. Every day…

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Hi @SylviaG!

May I ask why you start your post by saying “But WE ALL do talking about things we know not a thing about” and then start talking about someone as if you know what you are talking about to the point of ending your post with “Those thousands of people plus one, know nothing about themselves, but talks about everything in great deal!.. Every day…”?

Is this what you think K is trying to convey when he says “If you don’t understand yourself, you have no knowledge base, to talk about anything else”? Do you think what he is trying to convey is that self-knowledge gives us the right to criticize what others do or don’t do as if we ourselves were out of the equation?

Hi @Dano ! I just wanted to thank you for deciding to share with us this “message that took so long” and that in itself ‘hides’ many more things than can be perceived on the surface… that I hope you’ll continue sharing with all of us. Thank you :pray:

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Yes Sylvia. What we are looking at is the strong desire for recognition, and power in the world is it not? We, some are interested in many followers because they can make it profitable also to have millions of followers or boost our self confidence ? In far right nations we are seeing the rise of personality cults taking over governments. In Communist nations we are also seeing the desire for expansion and government oppression and control over dissent and punishment for disagreement with leaders. The control of the press and no free speech and only suppression of the populace. So If I crave I am a craver and if I want I am wanton.

If I want to be a religious hero, or a political hero I am generally a brainwashed human being.that wants to be somebody in life? . If I need you I am needy? So are large numbers really meaningful in self learning? Does popularity really matter as far as knowing ourselves? Do inquirers ever know they are also teachers? Do we choose to be teachers or does life make us teachers as we learn to inquire into the real source of ourselves? Do groups with large numbers really point to them having something more valuable in life than you or I who may be inquiring? Does it matter if I listen, and say I listen, or if you listen? Does it matter who loves who more or does that mean there is no love, when it does matter to us or just conditioning judging? Ratings fame and re4cogniotion is pure capitalism.

If millions tithe to me it is because god told them to and they will get back a hundredfold and that will prove god is in charge of my material success in life? There are two billion Catholics and they are the wealthiest religion on earth. Does that mean there must be some truth, some value other than material to being a member of their cult and confessing so called sins to a human being that believes those are sins and believes he can forgive me for anything I did to someone else? Inquiring will not usually develop a following for anyone because to them no conditioning is a worse curse in society than leprosy. Generally because you have nothing no system to give anyone to follow you that will give them a good secure, successful life.

Or make them healthy, mentally adept, super clever, or any cosmic favoritism and only your friendship. Nothing that will offer another security, and good fortune in life. We can see that many think billionaires have a genius of a mind? They with all their money and power in life feel it must mean something mysterious is favoring them? Children have what money can never buy and have they never ask where it came from or how to keep it. A new fresh brain. It is time to listen to the children as well as the old. NOW is the most dangerous time in the entire history of mankind as a species. Now is the time always, every new day, to learn the art of inquiry, and listening, and seeing as well as observation for us all. Ponder on these things for yourselves. Sorry for so long

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Yes Fraggie. I jhave no objective or goal except to make friends. I intend to share and listen and enjoy what others as well. As my time becomes less used up by other less important things I will share more here.with you .


Thanks again @Dano for sharing this not “so long” post compared to all that I felt you would like to share and inquire with that (spiritual) friend you seek. I hope to share tomorrow my feelings on a post I’ve read at least four times, and will probably read a couple more times (at least) tomorrow. Good night :pray:

“the right to criticize others” is not what he conveyed us by saying what I quoted of him. Rather, I am sure, he hoped… that we “criticize”/ look into ourselves, in the same way we see/ criticize others in view. I am sure you know this. Onlyway we can do this is when we understand ourselves. He said, then only then “We can see clearly that I am the world and the world is me,”

And, you are right that the “- plus one” pointed to myself…I think, not from outside.

Being an Advocate for critical thinking means something different than being an advocate for self criticism, or the criticizing of others to me? Does it to any of you? We some like to think knowing something others do not know makes them inferior or somehow elevates us to a higher status or level in society? Does it really do that or is that rhe illusion of pride and self becoming by storing knowledge? Is knowledge memory the key to evolution of our species, or the actual devolution of our species? What do you think?

You are thinking too much, Sir. You suffer/ enjoy/ making friends in sharing your “long notes”, the world is entirely in a terrifying wirlpool. Especially North America! Do you live in North America?
It seems to me that the Democratic Party of America just pressed self destruction button, by making an order to get rid of the head office from Doha Qutar, and Canada has been drowning in debts and all kinds of newly “budding” ideologies… Where would they/ it go? Where am I to go?

A wirlpool… just in the brain myself harbours and the way the world is… living in the way the world is. No friends, Sir. Especially on-line where no one has a true face… so, it maybe a good thing that when the time comes, each one of us can destroy each other, without a thought.

K passed about a half century ago, and “still” the “Time is urgent” to wake up. Colossally urgent, now, while you have been tormented in the loneliness in the wirlpool (even harbouring mine in it, in the same world!).

Will you wake up now, right at this moment, Please? To the reality that there is no such thing as friends in the world where only survival is the thing that matters.
And where the saying, “Man must not live on bread alone” is totally ignored.

So you are saying the world has gone mad? Is that right? So what is the only thing you or I can do right now, any individual can do as far as stay balanced? Meanwhile the world has seemingly gone unbalanced, and at war with each other, and our planet is burning and flooding, and storming? Is that right to you? What is one to do. What is waking up?

Take all the things that are happening now in the world like a game of whackamole? Do i involve myself in any one of those terrible things, and will that fix all the others? I am not the solution the I the me has caused this whole nightmare of a problem.

Krishnamurti said that being sentimental and emotional is most destructive, obviously it’s the way of pleasure and pain that you see is the way modern societies are living today. It can only lead to chaos, absolute disruption, probably worse than the crises Krishnamurti spoke of that might be an opportunity for redemption rather than destruction. It takes energy of the right kind not to follow the flow, if only you have it.

What is a friend?

When you meet another person without the interference of self, without the images and expectations you have built, there is the possibility of a genuine relationship. A mind caught in comparison, judgment, or need cannot truly be a friend. Friendship requires a quality of love that is free from attachment and demand. Is that what you’re looking for, or just a companion to to escape from loneliness or filling an emotional void?

When we say you are not really offering friendship, or asking to be my friend with good intentions? Not you personally. Maybe we only want to fill emptiness out of our loneliness and emptiness and lack of self inquiry? True. That could also mean the person making those assessments is not friendly at all. It is difficult to say I want nothing from anyone here I am only offering my hand in friendship without getting lectured. I trek on and keep learning to seed discussions like Johnny Appleseed, spreading apple tree seeds wherever I go and my friends know me as I know them.