How do I deal with injustice in my life?

There is nothing impertinent in an honest inquiry. Let’s go into it then.

Do I have a “psychological need” to assert that dealing with violence in society is motivated by a “psychological need”.

Action is immediate. Dealing with actual violence is immediate. There is no “how” to deal with immediate violence. You act instantly in response. There is no thinking. “Violence in society” is an idea of a situation requiring attention.

Violence is not real unless it is an actual rioting mob breaking down your door. If that mob is beating up someone in the street, your urge to respond is driven by a “psychological need” to deal with that violence.


Not necessarily. Thought may be necessary and the action may encompass thought.

That sounds very abstract to me. In concrete situations violence may be between people far removed from where one is or it may be very close. Why say it is only real when it is your own door being broken down? Reality is rather wider than that. I cannot understand your point at all.

So, something is only real if it is happening to you. If it is happening to someone else it is not real? Strange.

You sure 'bout that? .

In answer to the original question: It is a mistake to expect justice. This is the total disorder of humanity we are living in.

All anyone can sanely do is watch the movement of one’s own thought/self, and take total responsibility for one’s own actions in every moment.

As K said: It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted in (or: to) a profoundly sick society.

So we can only live with full awareness of ‘what is’ - the society for which we are responsible.

And - reacting against the society brings about further disorder and confusion. Of course!


Yeah, I’m sure because trees don’t copulate like people do. An uncle is your mother’s brother.

Yup. Real violence means clear and present danger, meaning getting hit on the head, stabbed with a knife, or shot in the heart. It’s not something you have experienced; otherwise, you wouldn’t be asking what it is.

Well, it’s a mistake to expect anything in life (:slight_smile:
Expectation is a projection of thought, of the past, so it put us out of balance with life.

I think that what you say is pertinent to and involved in K.'s statement: “there is no justice in this world”. (Even if not so evident) When we see something as a fact, we realize the uselessness of struggling against it. We want a world according to our needs or idiosincrasies and claim that the world should change to fit our desires. But the world will go on… and the only wise and possible thing is to change ourselves.


Untill now nobody addressed this issue. It came to my mind that we cannot neglect this key point.

You are assuming he is innocent, aren’t you? Now why? On what basis? Just because you know his father and you think it’s a good person? Or it’s just a doubt you have about the police or the judge having a prejudice against him and so sentencing him without proofs? Suspicions are usually very disturbing. And we are prompted into action just out of a mere suspicion.

Judging things from outside, from another country, it seems to me that this issue might be influenced by the hot climate you have in USA about the police abusing black people because of racial prejudices. With such a hot climate, with such collective commotion it’s very difficult to see things clearly, to distinguish between real facts and mere suspicions. Therefore I think in your case you should enquire into this matter to discover if your disturbance is caused by this collective influence.

True. What disturbs me is that a person gets life imprisonment (!) without any proof. They find a weapon in the room and so they say it is the room mate. The indifference and lack of defending a young man of color is disturbing. Just makes me aware in what mess we live. I live in comfort. It is important for me being this up. We are all part of this mess.

The Innocence Project is interesting. Netflix showed a documentary about the great work done by these people.

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How are you coping with injustice these days? Any working resolution yet?