Fear and suffering

So what is the ‘me’ that says it suffers? When you say ‘my suffering’, what does that mean? Are you suffering now? Or it is only when you think about it that you say, ‘I am suffering.’ So the thinking, the suffering and the being are all inter-connected. Is it possible for you to discover the very fact of your suffering as an actuality, not as a word or an idea? Once you discover the fact, you can confront it and deal with it, and end it. There is very little point in playing around with the concept of suffering, which is what you seem to be doing here. This verbal and intellectual playing around may be the reason why the rest of the world suffers as it does; you may be responsible for all of that. That is, responsible for the actual suffering of those people being killed in wars, for the strife within nations, for the violence in each family, and even the fear between two friends.

Death is not an actuality whereas dying is. Death is always an idea, a distant point in the future, whether it is a week away or another decade or two. Dying is right now. You can do it now, anyone can; there is nothing special about it. But when you talk of the fear of death, it is only the fear of an idea. Dying involves neither fear nor ideation. It is only those who want to be seen as something special who will talk about the fear of death.

Isn’t suffering sustained by relief from suffering? Isn’t it a pattern of suffering followed by relief, suffering followed by relief, ad infinitum?

And isn’t the relief escape through thought, the very thing that is the cause of suffering?

Playing around is a coping mechanism. The suffering itself, when it happens, is not playful though I wish it were, then I could enjoy it.

My playfulness may contribute to the suffering of others. It may also contribute to the well-being of others. We all create and destroy.


No, sir, it is contributing to the suffering of others - full stop. I was being tactful when I said you may be responsible. You are responsible for it. We can destroy but we cannot create. Creation is not within our power; it is not our remit or our function to create. But we can destroy; and we do. We can produce replicas of ourselves in the form of baby boys and girls, but that is not creation; that is mere reproduction. You know this already; I don’t need to tell you.

So, sir, what really ails you? When you say, ‘I suffer,’ about whom are you suffering? I am not asking about what, about why, about when, but about whom. About whom are you suffering?

If you say, ‘That’s none of your business!’ then I say, ‘Agreed!’ and we leave it here. Because you have already found the answer to your suffering and you alone can end it.

Is it not the same with those who talk about “friends are far more dangerous than strangers”? :thinking:

You have been hurt by friends far more times than you have been hurt by strangers, haven’t you?

Oh great master, you are truly wise, able to see beyond your own hallucinations. But tell me please, what hurt can a friend/stranger cause when from an early age one has never seen friends or strangers in front of him, but simple ignorant human beings like him/you?

Ignorant people hurt one another. What are you talking about?

So you set yourself up here as the grand master, lecturing everyone here about what they are and what they should do to change themselves… and you don’t know what I’m talking about? :roll_eyes:

Well, I think people around here are starting to see what you really are!

When you see a grand master, that’s what you want for yourself and so you react to it. All we ever see is ourselves. You can therefore make of me what you wish. I am nothing. It is a blank slate to scribble upon. Or it is a mirror. Or, when there is neither slate nor mirror, neither enemy nor friend, there is something else which is of another dimension altogether.

For the moment, we’ll call that love.

I think you’ve just described yourself quite well, so thank you for your honesty.
This honours you! :+1: … What’s next?

May I ask what love has to do with all this? :thinking:

But that’s for the other thread of conversation not this one.

Ah, I see! So you face something new with the past! … May I ask you why you lecture everyone here, when in fact you are still living in the field of thought?

Why are you bothering to ask if you already know all this?

Are you so shy to answer a simple question that you need to find excuses not to answer it?

Again, why are you bothering?

I see!

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Sorry, what do you see?

Why are you bothering to ask if you already know all this?

Now you are showing yourself to be a bit of a bully, sir. It is alright if you are, but I don’t see any point carrying on.