Exploring fear

@fraggle we are not all in the same situation. We do not know who we are talking to.
I think the most important rule is to avoid harm.

Debate can be like a fight, and not all of us want to fight.

Could you please tell me in what way I have harmed @Helen88, and how do you know she feels harmed? Thank you! :pray:

You not harmed me. Everything is ok. I love you. Humanity need to grow in consciousness. To care for each other. We need to find sacred God.

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See @macdougdoug? … Maybe it would be interesting to start a thread and try to find out why we project our confusion on others thinking that our confusion is their confusion. what do you think?

You accused her unjustly

I don’t. and never claimed to.

Could you please tell me where you have seen such an accusation, thank you! :pray:

Why did you then speak of violence and harm against her, assuming that I was being violent and that I might be harming her? … Or was it all just an imagined projection of the self?

Totally agree with you. So I hope you felt that we were trying to find together that sacred god you mention, and not all those things @macdougdoug suggested I was doing to you. :pray::hugs:

Sorry @fraggle re-reading your post - it seems that you were referring to K and not yourself.

My mistake

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Don’t worry @macdougdoug , we all make mistakes! In fact, the forum is full of our mistakes. So who knows, maybe one day we’ll decide to take them and delve into them together without any need to appear to be doing so… even if this medium is not very conducive to doing so.

But you’re right, that would already be a topic for another thread! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
